Chapter 502 Want to cheat?

"Yo, what, you want to cheat?" The shock gradually diminished, and Gu Zhiyang looked at Ye Quan who was standing in front of him to prevent him from advancing towards the topic, and gradually clenched his fingers.

Ye Quan chose to stand in front of Gu Zhiyang instead of competing with him for the card with the title written on it. He raised his eyebrows, "Cheating?! Is this word not accurate enough? I just don't want you to Just got the topic..."

"Then you can go there and get it—" Gu Zhiyang said, stretching out his finger to the center of the prop, where the question card is.

Ye Quan's skill is so fast... He didn't even notice that he moved forward, he was already standing in front of him.

It seems that I underestimated him before...
"But I don't want to." Ye Quan didn't even look in the direction of Gu Zhiyang's finger. Now, he just wanted to beat this man down—"I remember, you hit me once... "..."

"So what? Do you want to try it a second time?" Gu Zhiyang smiled, his fingers were already clenched, and Ye Quan was also ready, just when the two of them were about to attack each other——

The shock, strengthened again!
Ye Quan and Gu Zhiyang were so focused on how to bring down each other, they never expected that the shock would strike again——

Both of them were unprepared, and they were about to fall, but at this moment, Ye Quan suddenly turned around and attacked in the direction of the question card——

However, just as his hand was about to touch the question card, his foot was suddenly kicked off by a strong force, and Ye Quan fell down on the stage.

Gu Zhiyang smiled contemptuously at Ye Quan who was at the end, "Did you really think I would let you pass so easily?" Gu Zhiyang said, rushing towards the question card quickly, even if the shock was stronger, but compared to the first time when the shock hit Compared with when he even had to hold on to the railing when standing, it was much better.

Therefore, this shock is still manageable for him!

Gu Zhiyang picked up the question card in his hand.

With a sound of "bang--", a powerful force suddenly hit Gu Zhiyang's hand holding the question card, and the question card flew upwards from Gu Zhiyang's hand. Gu Zhiyang glared at Ye Ye who was attacking him. right.

"What a coincidence, what you said is also what I want to say. Do you think that I will let you get the question card so easily?" After Ye Quan finished speaking, he immediately rushed to the place where the question card was about to fall, Gu Zhiyang With the help of the platform on which the question cards were placed, he pressed his palms on the platform and rose into the air—one step ahead of Ye Quan, and got the question cards again!
Ye Quan once again prevented Gu Zhiyang from checking the questions on the question card, and the two of them simply "come and go" like this. The topic fell just above the line of sight of the two of them.

Gu Zhiyang: That's it!

Ye Quan: That's it!
As soon as the two people saw the question, they ran towards their answering machines one after another. At this moment, the shock feeling strengthened again!
The shock this time was the same as the first time, and the two of them fell to the stage due to the shock.

I XX you OO!Gu Zhiyang slammed his fist on the stage, seeing the answering machine in front of him, but he couldn't answer it, how aggrieved it is!

"Di——" At this moment, the voice of the answering machine suddenly sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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