Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 510 A head-to-head confrontation!

Chapter 510 A Head-to-Head Confrontation!
Ye Quan's despicable behavior once again refreshed Gu Zhiyang's understanding of him.

But now, I have to adapt to this environment as soon as possible and get the question card!End this game ASAP!
Gu Zhiyang calmed down and let himself relax wholeheartedly. He felt that his five sense organs were slowly exploring and adapting in the darkness.

Soon, Gu Zhiyang began to move his footsteps, slowly leaning towards the platform——

Suddenly another gust of wind swept by. This time, Gu Zhiyang reacted quickly, turning his body slightly to avoid this "attack"...

Ye Quan sneered coldly, unexpectedly, let him dodge...··

Just when Ye Quan was about to launch the next attack, at this moment, the light suddenly turned on again——

The strong light formed a contrast with the darkness just now, causing everyone to close their eyes subconsciously. However, at the moment when everyone closed their eyes, the question card suddenly appeared! !

Gu Zhiyang heard the sound of the question card platform rising in the strong light, he forced himself to open his eyes, and leaned towards the question card.

Ye Quan also heard the sound of the question card platform rising, but his reaction was one second slower than Gu Zhiyang's.

Gu Zhiyang got the question card, and at this moment, everyone got used to the sudden change of darkness and light, everyone opened their eyes——

"Ah! My God! It's Young Master Gu! Young Master Gu got it!"

"Gu Shao got it! Gu Shao got it!"

I don't know who shouted first from St. Geli, all the students of St. Geli College stood up, they opened their mouths and hoarse, Gu Zhiyang touched the question card at the last moment, it was a question for St. All bring hope!

"Ahh! He got it, he got it!" Xia Heyi grabbed Lu Yaoguang's hand beside her, "Look, Yao Guang, Gu Zhiyang got it!"

Lu Yaoguang's eyes were also full of joy, and her body was trembling with excitement, but she still kept restraint on the surface, not letting her emotions leak out.

"Zhiyang! Go! Go press the answering machine!"

Ji Shaoyi's voice was extremely loud amidst the noisy cheering, Gu Zhiyang could hear his voice standing on the stage, just when he was about to run back, Ye Quan intercepted him halfway again, blocking Gu Zhiyang down.

"Master Ye Quan! Come on! Kill him!"

"Grab the question card! Stop him from answering the question!"

"Master Ye Quan, come on!"

"Stop him!"

The students of Yinghuang Academy were very excited because Ye Quan suddenly blocked Gu Zhiyang's way, and they also stood up one after another like St. Geli Academy to cheer for Ye Quan.

Gu Zhiyang looked at Ye Quan standing in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and threw the question card on the ground casually, "Hey, the question card is there, you can go and read it. I won't stop you."

"Heh~ Gu Zhiyang, do you think I'm stupid? You've seen the topic on the topic card, do you think it's possible for me to let you pass?" Ye Quan is ready to go. In this situation, there is only one Choose, that is to bring down Gu Zhiyang!Otherwise, the moment he looked at the question, Gu Zhiyang would have already pressed the answering device, and he would lose at that time...

lose? !

This word has never been used in Ye Quan's body!
Gu Zhiyang, let us have a head-to-head confrontation!
(End of this chapter)

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