Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 522 I Booked a Marriage for You

Chapter 522 I Booked a Marriage for You

Seeing Song Yun's expression change, Lu Yaoguang didn't know how to react...

What did she do wrong? !
"Yaoguang, you're back." Song Yun's expression slowed down a little, and her expression returned to normal when she looked at Lu Yaoguang, but, she didn't know if it was Lu Yaoguang's illusion, but she always felt that Song Yun This time, the look in her eyes is a little more alienated...

"Yes." Lu Yaoguang responded, "Aunt Yun, if there is nothing else, I, I will go upstairs first..."

Song Yun smiled and nodded, Lu Yaoguang went upstairs first, and hadn't seen Aunt Yun for a long time, Aunt Yun looked much more haggard than when they first met...

"Yaoguang, those things you..." Gu Zhiyang stepped into the house, and an unexpected person appeared in his sight. Gu Zhiyang froze, and after standing at the entrance for a while, he planned to Go upstairs to find Lu Yaoguang.

"Gu Zhiyang, I have something to tell you, come up to the study." However, when Gu Zhiyang just came out of the entrance, Song Yun was the first to make a speech. building.

Gu Zhiyang stood silently for a while, and finally went upstairs.

in the study.

Song Yun sat on the chair. After Gu Zhiyang came in, neither mother nor son said a word. Gu Zhiyang felt uncomfortable. If he stayed with Song Yun in this space, he felt that he would explode "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I have something I haven't finished yet."

The embarrassing tranquility of this moment was broken by Gu Zhiyang, Song Yun raised her head and looked at Gu Zhiyang expressionlessly, "If this is the case, then I won't go around in circles with you."

"Gu Zhiyang, I have booked a marriage for you."

After Lu Yaoguang returned to the room, she suddenly remembered that she didn't take her things. When she walked out of the room, she heard what Aunt Yun said in the distance. She wants to talk with Gu Zhiyang in the study? !
Gu Zhiyang also went to the study...

Lu Yaoguang secretly hid aside, watching Gu Zhiyang close the study door, heaved a sigh of relief, this is really a good thing, originally the relationship between Aunt Yun and Gu Zhiyang was very bad, if this time If they can speak well, will the relationship between them be improved? !

Send them some tea... Lu Yaoguang thought to herself, just now she saw that Song Yun's face was still tired, as if she hadn't rested well, if she had something to say to Gu Zhiyang, It should be a very important matter, so it's better for Aunt Yun to refresh herself!
Lu Yaoguang thought about it, and went downstairs to make tea.

"Huh?" Gu Zhiyang felt for a moment that he had heard wrong, what did she say? !

"The other party is the daughter of my friend for many years, and you have met her before." Song Yun said to herself, she was only responsible for informing, not explaining to Gu Zhiyang.

"Wait, wait, what are you talking about!" Gu Zhiyang has not calmed down yet, what is Song Yun deciding on her own now? !
"I and the other party, that is, her mother, my friend, we went to someone to do a fortune-telling together. The fortune-teller said that your birthdays are very consistent. Although there will be many ups and downs when you first got together, but you two A couple made in heaven."

"I've settled this marriage for you."

(End of this chapter)

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