Chapter 524 Sheng Zhiyue

What did she hear just now? !

Apart from Gu Zhiyang's engagement, Gu Zhiyang's engagement partner... is she? !

Sheng Zhiyue······

Sheng Zhiyue······

Sheng Zhiyue······

This name that has not appeared in her life for so many years, why does it appear again now? !

Lu Yaoguang sat down on the bed in a daze, did Sheng Zhiyue...
Is she going to get engaged to Gu Zhiyang? !

Walk!Gotta go!

In Lu Yaoguang's mind, after the shock of hearing the word "Sheng Zhiyue" disappeared, his first reaction was to leave!

She has to go!She can't stay here any longer!Gu Zhiyang is getting engaged!
Well, he's getting engaged, she can't stay here any longer, she has to leave as soon as possible, absolutely, never again, let her find out...
to go!go now!Go against the clock!
Lu Yaoguang sat up from the bed all of a sudden, and started to look through his closet. In a panic, he rummaged through all the things in his closet.I still need to prepare bags, we have to go!Gotta go tonight!

Seeing Lu Yaoguang return to the room in embarrassment, Gu Zhiyang's heart twitched, damn it!Why did this happen as soon as I got home? !
"Gu Zhiyang, I came back to inform you about this matter, not to discuss it with you. In short, you just need to be mentally prepared. Zhiyue will be back in the next two days. At that time, I will arrange You two should get to know each other again..." Song Yun walked out of the study, looked at the broken cup on the floor, wondering what she was thinking.But immediately, Song Yun left immediately. She still had many, many things to deal with. When she came back today, she just informed Gu Zhiyang of this matter. She didn't have so much time to waste with him!

Seeing that Song Yun was about to leave, Gu Zhiyang came back to his senses. He rushed to the stairs and shouted loudly at Song Yun's leaving figure, "Song Yun, let me tell you, you want me to be with that person called Sheng Zhiyue's engagement is impossible in this lifetime!"

After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, Song Yun's figure had disappeared at the end of the corridor, and I don't know if she listened...
But no matter what, he, Gu Zhiyang, would never get engaged to this woman named Sheng Zhiyue!

Besides, what Aunt Fang?What Sheng Zhiyue?Just talk about people he has no impression of come out, Song Yun is, treat him as a fool, is it easy to fool? !Gu Zhiyang had a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.After all, he is still just a tool of hers...

Song Yun, don't think that you suddenly asked me to get engaged at this juncture. Don't think that I don't know why. You want me to get engaged to that woman named Sheng Zhiyue because of the company. right...
Hehe, I didn't expect that at the last moment, you are still the same, you didn't treat my son as a son...
The maid at the side finished picking up the glass fragments and passed by Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang remembered that now, there is one more important thing to do!He wants to explain clearly to Yao Guang!By the way, what are you still doing here? !Just now Yaoguang lost his soul like that, he had to explain it to her properly!
(End of this chapter)

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