Chapter 526 Give Me a Reason

Gu Zhiyang grabbed Lu Yaoguang's hand and shook her.

He is also in a mess now, why did Yao Guang suddenly become like this? !Still keep repeating to leave? !Where are you going? !Now even the things here are almost cleaned up, what exactly does this mean? !

Is it because he was too stimulated by the news that he was going to get engaged? !This is also unlikely!He has already explained it to her well, hasn't he? !
"Lu Yaoguang! You wake me up!"

"Wake me up!" Gu Zhiyang shook Lu Yaoguang vigorously, seeing that Lu Yaoguang still hadn't recovered from that unknown state, Gu Zhiyang immediately leaned over and kissed Lu Yaoguang!
"Uh--! Uh!" Lu Yaoguang gradually recovered from the state just now, she began to struggle continuously, Gu Zhiyang kissed more and more fiercely, he was angry!He was so angry that Lu Yaoguang didn't believe in himself so much!How could you think he was going to get engaged? !

From Gu Zhiyang's point of view, Lu Yaoguang packs up his things and leaves now because he doesn't believe in himself!She wants to leave herself!

"Hmm!" Lu Yaoguang didn't know where the strength came from, but she broke free from Gu Zhiyang's arms, and she and Gu Zhiyang separated suddenly, "Gu Zhiyang, what are you doing! "

Gu Zhiyang saw that Lu Yaoguang was finally able to communicate normally with himself, "I just want to ask you what you want to do?! You keep yelling to go, where are you going?!
"What I do has nothing to do with you." Lu Yaoguang lowered his head, said in a low voice after a moment of silence, "I want to move out."

"Why?!" Gu Zhiyang felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Lu Yaoguang say this himself, "Just because I heard that I'm going to get engaged?! Didn't I say that I won't get engaged!" Gu Zhiyang His tone became more and more excited, what happened today, all these bad things happened...

Lu Yaoguang shook her head slightly, she bit her lower lip tightly, "It has nothing to do with your engagement... I want to move out..."

"You lied! If you are going to move out, why didn't you move out before?! Why did you wait until now? Wait until you heard the news of my engagement just now!" What a joke!After living with him for so long, at this juncture, he said that he was going to move because of the news that he was getting engaged, even if he was killed, he wouldn't believe it!
"Anyway, I won't let you move away!" Gu Zhiyang said with a cold face, wanting to move away from him? !No way!
As if Lu Yaoguang didn't hear it, she put away the last piece of clothing in her hand, stood up, and walked in front of Gu Zhiyang, "Today, I must leave."

Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang confronted each other, and neither of them gained the upper hand. In the end, it was Gu Zhiyang who spoke first, "Give me a reason."

Give me a reason why you want to go.

Reason, why...?
Lu Yaoguang's eyes shifted slightly, and his fingers grasped the things he had packed a little harder, "The reason, I... I'm sorry, I can't tell you yet. But I want to leave today, Gu Zhiyang, why don't you ask me to leave?" Shall I go?" Lu Yaoguang raised his head again, looking at Gu Zhiyang's pupils full of longing eyes, which made Gu Zhiyang unable to bear to refuse...
"If you leave, where will you live?" Finally, Gu Zhiyang let go.

"I have already contacted He Yi."

(End of this chapter)

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