Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 544 I Don't Like What You Said [Dark Thread]

Chapter 544 I Don't Like What You Said 【Dark Thread】

And Gu Xifeng also stood up, touched the buttons of his suit with his hands, and when he left, he smiled at Chen Feng who was still there with a face full of astonishment and couldn't believe what happened.

Before Chen Feng realized why he was taken away by Xiao Li after he lost the election...

Gu Xifeng followed Song Yun to her office. Song Yun sat on the desk, pressed the internal line on the side, and called the secretary to bring in two cups of coffee.

"Sit down." Seeing that Gu Xifeng was still standing, Song Yun asked Gu Xifeng to sit opposite her, and said calmly, "To be honest, I really don't like your answer just now."

"Oh?" Gu Xifeng raised his brows lightly, and looked at Song Yun in surprise, "Then Mr. Song, why did you choose me just now?"

"Bang bang—" There were two knocks on the door, Song Yun said please come in, the secretary quickly came in with two cups of coffee, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Gu Xifeng again, Gu Xifeng smiled and talked to this The secretary nodded.

The secretary also nodded politely, and then left immediately.

Song Yun picked up the hot coffee in one hand, and said slowly, "It's very simple, because I don't like the other person's answer even more."

Because of Song Yun's words, Gu Xifeng laughed lightly. He always had a smile on his face before, but this time he laughed outright. Sweep there.

Gu Xifeng received Song Yun's sharp gaze, immediately stopped his smile, picked up the coffee on the table and said, "Actually, there is a basis for what I said, Mr. Song."

"Huh? According to? Tell me." Song Yun put down the coffee in her hand.

"According to my understanding, Mr. Song likes to cut messes quickly, and doesn't like to be procrastinated." Gu Xifeng said his reasons, while carefully watching the expression on Song Yun's face, fearing that he would be annoyed if he said something wrong. Song Yun said, "That's why my introduction just now was concise and to the point. In addition, Mr. Song, you always focus on the key points in everything you do, and act swiftly and resolutely."

"So?" Song Yun's eyes narrowed dangerously, "You said the last sentence just now, the Gu Group needs you?"

It turned out that this sentence actually annoyed Mr. Song?Gu Xifeng put down his coffee and pushed his glasses, "To be precise, it's 'Gu's Group needs me, and I also need Gu's Group', I need money now."

Song Yun tapped her fingers on the table and was silent for a while, "Then, I'm afraid you will be disappointed," Song Yun said, took out a document from the drawer, and handed it to Gu Xifeng. After a flash of surprise, Song Yun continued, "This is the current situation of the Gu Corporation. For a while, I won't be able to pay your money."

After briefly looking at the document, Gu Xifeng closed it, "So, Mr. Song is planning to let Gu only work and not get paid?"

Song Yun nodded, "That's right."

Gu Xifeng frowned slightly, "I don't understand, then why are you still applying for a legal counsel at this time, Mr. Song? Actually, you should also know that according to what you wrote in the above document, the Gu Group may have to support I can't go on..." Just as Gu Xifeng finished speaking, Song Yun glanced over with a dangerous look. Gu Xifeng stopped immediately, but then he continued, "Mr. Show me important documents, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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