Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 546 Text Message Chapter Answer

Chapter 546 The Answer to the Text Message

Lu Yaoguang's footsteps stopped, and her whole body was as dark as falling into the darkness, not daring to move, only the memory of her being locked in a dark room in her mind...
"Yaoguang, Yaoguang, what's wrong with you?" Xia Heyi was taken aback by Lu Yaoguang's sudden action, she quickly squatted down, supported Lu Yaoguang with one hand, and patted Lu Yaoguang's shoulder with the other. "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

Lu Yaoguang swallowed sharply, patted her chest with one hand, stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xia Heyi with a smile, "It's okay, I'll just take a rest."

"Are you really okay?" A look of worry flashed across Xia Heyi's face, Lu Yaoguang told her that it was really okay, it didn't matter, Xia Heyi nodded, "If you are not feeling well, remember to talk to me at any time. I said oh."

"Okay." Just as Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he started to walk, but stopped immediately.

At this moment, about seven or eight steps away from her, Gu Zhiyang stood there, looking at Lu Yaoguang motionlessly.

Lu Yaoguang: "..."

Gu Zhiyang: "..."

No one spoke first, Ji Shaoyi frowned, and pulled Xia Heyi to the classroom from another road. Xia Heyi originally wanted to say something, but for some reason, looking at Lu Yaoguang and Gu Zhiyang now It felt weird, as if something was about to happen, she should leave early.

Lu Yaoguang didn't expect Gu Zhiyang to appear in front of her so suddenly. She was still looking forward to it, if she didn't see him today, she wouldn't see him...

The two of them stood at each other's position for a full 2 ​​minutes. During the 2 minutes, neither of them moved a step, and neither of them spoke. They just looked at each other fixedly.

Although many people passed by them during this period of time, no one spoke to them. Everyone had a tacit understanding and left as soon as possible when they saw Lu Yaoguang and Gu Zhiyang standing there. Just leave a space for two people, it can't be a light bulb!

So, at this moment, there are only Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang left on this school road.

A gust of wind blew by, blowing a few strands of Lu Yaoguang's hair, which brought Lu Yaoguang back to his senses. She straightened her hair, and finally chose to walk towards Gu Zhiyang without changing her expression. past.

Gu Zhiyang's brows were slightly frowned at this moment, and he saw in Lu Yaoguang's pupils——

Is it?Yaoguang, is this the answer you gave me?
"I like you." The answer, is this...

The moment Lu Yaoguang passed by Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang lowered his head slightly, after all, he couldn't help but speak——

"The answer to the text message, is this?"

Lu Yaoguang paused, text message...

In fact, she didn't open that text message at all, she just deleted it without even reading it...

Lu Yaoguang didn't answer Gu Zhiyang, it was just like this, he didn't even stop in his tracks, as if Gu Zhiyang didn't exist, he passed by him directly...

The bell for the first class has rung.

When Lu Yaoguang just walked into the classroom, she didn't even have time to put down her schoolbag. Naturally, she didn't even have time to hand over the suspension letter to the teacher...
(End of this chapter)

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