Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 549 Want to leave? — there are no doors!

Chapter 549 Want to leave? — there are no doors!
At this moment, one of Gu Zhiyang's hands was clenched into a fist, and his arm was close to the wall above Lu Yaoguang's head. The shadow of his arm and his body leaning forward intentionally or unintentionally blocked Lu Yaoguang's vision. .Lu Yaoguang frowned, turned his head to the other side, and remained silent.

The more Lu Yaoguang stopped talking, the angrier Gu Zhiyang became. His eyes were sharper than before, and he directly clamped Lu Yaoguang's chin with his other idle hand, forcing Lu Yaoguang to look up and focus on himself.

Lu Yaoguang frowned because of Gu Zhiyang's uncontrollable hand strength.

"I'll ask you again, where are you going?!" Gu Zhiyang saw the pained expression on Lu Yaoguang's face, and his heart ached, but the force to clamp her jaw did not weaken at all. Why? ··Why is it like this, is he going to leave just because he said that sentence to her? !

Lu Yaoguang, I am in your heart, after all...

"I'll say it again, I'm not feeling well! I'm going to the infirmary! Gu Zhiyang, let me go!" Lu Yaoguang's heart was hardened, and the flash of pain in Gu Zhiyang's eyes hurt her. eyes, but still... ignored by her——

Anyway, I have to leave after all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Gu Zhiyang, forget me...
Gu Zhiyang only felt that his anger was about to burst out, and he grabbed the letter of suspension from Lu Yaoguang's hand. When he didn't see the words on the envelope, Gu Zhiyang was still in his heart. Comforting himself, he said: Gu Zhiyang, you are overthinking... You have to let go now, Yao Guang is not feeling well, you have to let her go to the infirmary!You can't hold her anymore, she hurts...
But when the words "Study Suspension Letter" written on the envelope really caught his eyes, Gu Zhiyang's heart was like falling into an ice cellar...
"Hehe...hehehe..." Gu Zhiyang let go of the restraint on Lu Yaoguang, and started laughing alone, but his eyes were full of pain... ····

In exchange for saying "I like you", besides ignoring it, is there such a "crazy" escape? !

"Gu Zhiyang..." Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang's eyes, also with pain, she had never seen Gu Zhiyang like this, smiling, but it made people feel so distressed However, in the next second, the sound of the envelope being torn, "What are you doing?!" Lu Yaoguang yelled at Gu Zhiyang, but Gu Zhiyang's mind was full of him and Lu Yao The scene when the two of them first met.

At that time, he thought she was like other women who didn't know what to do, and came to hand him a love letter?
But when she tore up that love letter that didn't belong to her in front of him, and that foot that stepped on him...

Back then you tore up the love letter, now I tore up the suspension letter.

When you left, I caught you.

Now you want to go, you want, where are you going? !

Gu Zhiyang's eyes suddenly became dangerous at this moment.

"Want to leave? There's no door—" Gu Zhiyang grabbed Lu Yaoguang's left hand and pulled Lu Yaoguang to his side forcefully, "You don't want to go anywhere until I'm not tired of playing! "

Hearing Gu Zhiyang's words, Lu Yaoguang felt tingling and wronged in his heart, what did Gu Zhiyang say? !Play? !
(End of this chapter)

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