Chapter 551

"Yue'er, how could you meet this person in private without telling mom?!"

The most impressive birthday in Sheng Zhiyue's memory was when she was a child.

At that time, I don't know why, on the eve of her birthday, a man suddenly appeared. At that time, my mother was very busy, very busy... I didn't have time to accompany myself every day.

It made her feel lonely, uncomfortable, and painful.

Why do other mothers stay with their children, but her mother doesn't? !She hasn't seen her mother for a long first, it was three days to see her mother, then a week...two month... ··
Up to now, three months have passed, and she still hasn't seen her mother.

Mother.Did you know that Yue Er's birthday will be soon...

Yue'er's greatest wish now is to celebrate her birthday with her mother, and——

But this wish, she did not dare, nor could she mention it to her mother.

Because of her, there is no father.

She didn't understand why other people's children had a father, but she had only a mother? !This was her initial doubt. Once she mustered up the courage to carefully pull the corner of her mother's clothes and ask where is her father?Where is her father?

But when she waited, it was her mother who swung her away by mistake. She didn't stand still at that time, fell to the ground, and broke her skin.

Seeing that her feet were bleeding, her mother turned pale with fright.

She quickly picked herself up from the ground, and then kept apologizing to herself, saying sorry to herself over and over again, and at the end, her mother actually hugged herself and cried...
My mother cried so sadly, so painfully...

After her mother finally calmed down, she only said a word to herself, "Yue'er, you don't have a father, you only have a mother. Your father is dead. Let's not mention him in the future, okay?"

My mother cried like that in front of me that time, which frightened me.

Later, she never mentioned the word "father" in front of her mother again.When others asked, she followed what her mother told herself, "Dad is dead."

But later——

"Yue'er, Yue'er, come—" On that day, Aunt Xu, who had been with her all the time, was not at home. She was sitting in the back garden of her home in a daze, when suddenly a strange sorghum appeared.

He holds the toy in his hand, and calls himself over and over again to let himself go...
Wei Shushu is very handsome, his hands are so big that he can wrap his whole hand. When Wei Shushu is around, Sheng Zhiyue feels that he is not alone at all.

But the reason why Wei Shushu is called Weishushu is because he is very strange!He never appeared when no one was at home, only when he was alone at home.

What's more, it's strange that Shu Mi wants to keep it a secret. She can't tell anyone about his visit to her, otherwise, he will never show up again.

She is very obedient, in order to let Wei Shushu spend more time with her when she is alone, so she never told anyone about Wei Shushu's appearance.

Wei Shushu gave her the feeling, just like her father...

That day was her birthday.

She waited for a long time, and her mother said she would celebrate her birthday with her.

(End of this chapter)

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