Chapter 553 Hey, do you know
She still remembers that Wei Shushu stood up in a panic. He wanted to pull his mother and explain something to his mother, but was swung away by his mother, and the two of them began to quarrel...

The cake, her birthday cake, and the presents Wei Shushu prepared for her, all of them were smashed by her mother...

"You go! You go! You don't have the right to appear in front of us, you go—————! Go!" Mom shouted hysterically to Wei Shushu, and Wei Shushu responded repeatedly, "Okay, I'll go! Let's go, Ah Fang, don't get excited..."

After the strange sorghum left, the mother leaned against the wall, her body slowly slid down, and she began to hug her head and cry loudly...
At the end of crying, my mother passed out...
Later she found out that that night, her mother turned down the memory of the project she had been striving for for the past three months, just to hurry home and celebrate her birthday with her...
Blame Shushu for making a mistake, a huge mistake, an unforgivable mistake...

Now, you know what?

Bitch, woman, man!

Miscellaneous, species!

Sheng Zhiyue's eyes stared closely at the direction where Lu Yaoguang left, and that look almost wished to delay Lu Yaoguang...
After Lu Yaoguang ran away, she confirmed that Gu Zhiyang hadn't caught up. She raised the hand she had just hit Gu Zhiyang, and her palm was flushed...
Hands began to tremble again.

She hit Gu Zhiyang? !She actually hit him... In this situation.

The mood after being kissed by Gu Zhiyang just now is completely different from the mood after I calm down now!

Lu Yaoguang only feels that she is so chaotic now, can't stop being chaotic, the uneasiness and fear are raging in her mind at this moment, making her feel very tired and painful...
At this time, a worried voice sounded——

"Yaoguang?!" Yunyi was a little surprised, she didn't expect to meet Lu Yaoguang here at this time, but Yaoguang seemed to be very uncomfortable... "How are you, are you okay? Do you want to go to the infirmary?" Yunyi walked to Lu Yaoguang's side, and wanted to reach out to pat Lu Yaoguang's back, but suddenly thought of something, so she put her hand down again without touching Lu Yaoguang's back . [Do you know why you don't touch it? qaq because of buttons, um, everyone understands...]

Lu Yaoguang calmed down and inhaled slowly.Exhale and allow yourself to relax.

Yunyi asked Lu Yaoguang to sit in the corridor under the tree. He originally wanted to sit on Lu Yaoguang's right side, but seeing that the sun was shining on Lu Yaoguang's head, Yunyi sat on Lu Yaoguang's left side. He is taller than Lu Yaoguang, and when he sat down, he leaned forward slightly, just blocking the sunlight that shone on Lu Yaoguang's bald head.

As soon as Lu Yaoguang looked up, he could see Yunyi's worried eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Lu Yaoguang smiled, and asked after seeing the bag in Yunyi's hand, "What is this?" In the classroom today, except for Gu Zhiyang, there are others Yunyi, but Yunyi had asked for leave in advance, and he had already asked for leave for almost a week.

Yunyi picked up the bag, "This is what Xiaobai put in St. Geli before going to the United States. She originally wanted to come and get it by herself, but in the end... I decided that it would be better for me to come back and help her get it."

(End of this chapter)

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