Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 555 The Key to the Rose Garden

Chapter 555 The Key to the Rose Garden

So, she did as her mother said.

Until, that person hit mom.

She got angry and slapped the man back.But then, it was my mother who slapped me.

"Lu Yaoguang! Didn't I tell you! You can't resist!" After the mother only said this to herself, she began to coax that person.Even if that person is still beating my mother...
After that person left, my mother didn't know why, and suddenly hit herself again. At that time, she couldn't help it, and finally, she yelled at her mother for the first time.

That was the first and last time she rebelled against her mother.

"Why! Why can't I resist?! Mom, do you know that she is hitting you! Why can't I resist?!"

"Mom, she's hitting you...how can you indulge her like this..."

"She's beating you, why are you beating me? Don't I protect my mother, right...?"


She forgot exactly what she said later, but she just remembered that after she contradicted her mother that time, her mother suddenly cried, and she panicked for a while, her mother hugged herself quickly and said to herself, "Yaoguang, you can't resist Her, you resist her, she will hurt you..."

"Mom is an adult, she is a child, no matter how hard she hits her, how heavy will it be?"

"Yaoguang has always been a good child, mother knows. Yaoguang loves mother very much, and mother also loves Yaoguang... So Yaoguang, let's not resist, okay? As long as we don't resist, over time, she will It will be boring, and when the time comes, we will be able to live a happy life again. Okay? Yaoguang don't resist her, if you resist, you will get hurt..."

Only then did she realize that her mother actually loved her very much.But after that time, it was the longest conversation I had with my mother, and later...
Lu Yaoguang opened his eyes, took a deep breath, picked up the key to the rose garden that Yunyi gave him in his hand, let's go and see it again, maybe we won't be able to see it again in the future!

Go see it one more time and leave.

Lu Yaoguang picked up the key and stood up, but the moment she raised her head, she was stunned——

The key to the rose garden in his hand fell to the ground with a "click".

why is this...
Why is this person here? !

Why does this happen······

"Long time no see~" The man standing in front of him gently parted his red lips.

As soon as her voice sounded, Lu Yaoguang suddenly felt very cold all over his body for no reason, cold to the bone...

Obviously she was standing under the sun by herself, so she shouldn't feel cold, it's strange.

"Hehe, you are like this now, with an unbelievable expression on your face, you don't know why I appear here?" The man spoke again and glanced at Lu Yaoguang mockingly.

Lu Yaoguang's body began to tremble slightly.She didn't dare to move, she wanted to ask her, why did she suddenly appear here?But now I find that I can't even say a complete sentence!
"Speak, why don't you speak anymore? Is...my appearance, has it brought you any bad impression?"

(End of this chapter)

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