Chapter 562 I Think I Will Die

"Once Ji Shaoyi and I fall out, Yunyi has been in love with Ji Shaoyi for so many years after all. He must be on Ji Shaoyi's side..."

"The friendship we built with great difficulty will be broken because of your departure and I can't find you because of my illness. Yaoguang, can you bear it..."

There is a reason for Gu Zhiyang to say this. At the beginning, Lu Yaoguang was very happy because he and Yunyi Ji lost one or two people "reconciled"...

Although at that time, he was not very happy, because Yao Guang reconciled with Yunyi and the others because of himself, and Yunyi...

But for the sake of how happy she was at the time, let's just leave it at long as she is happy.

Unexpectedly, now in order to keep her, she can shamelessly bring up this point. Yaoguang cares so much about her relationship with Yunyi and Ji Shaoyi. Should he cry or laugh...? !

"You..." Lu Yaoguang never thought that Gu Zhiyang could talk to himself about this matter in such a rogue manner, but... "That's your business! What does it have to do with me if you want to break up with Yunyi Jishao?" ?!"

Is it okay...?that's fine...

"Actually, even if we break up, I won't worry at all. I'm confident that even if Ji Shaoyi and Yunyi join forces, oh yes... I have to add Han Feng, I almost forgot, Xia He Yizhan is his sister... If they really want to fight me, I am still sure that I can defeat them..." Gu Zhiyang said, leaning down, putting his hands around Lu Yaoguang, and Lu Yao's halo is in her arms, and her beautiful eyebrows are exuding a suffocating aura...

"Yao Guang, do you know? After I beat them, I still can't find you in the middle of the night... I think I will..."

Gu Zhiyang slowed down his speech, his magnetic voice kept surrounding Lu Yaoguang at this moment, Lu Yaoguang stared blankly at Gu Zhiyang above him with a pair of black eyes, Can't help swallowing saliva.

If he still can't find her, what will happen to Gu Zhiyang...? !

Gu Zhiyang stretched out his left hand, and gently sent a strand of hair from Lu Yaoguang's ear behind Lu Yaoguang's ear. There was tenderness in his eyes——

"I think I'm going to... die..."

If I overcome all the factors that may lurk you, and I still can't find you, I think I will die. ——Gu Zhiyang.

For a moment, Lu Yaoguang didn't know how to answer Gu Zhiyang, but her eyes slowly turned red. This was probably the scariest sentence she had ever heard in her life.

"Without you, I would die."

Gu Zhiyang, but do you know that with me by your side, you will really...


Not only you, but also He Yi, Ji Shaoyi, Yun Yi, Han Feng...

Everything here, all the people and things related to me, will all, will be reduced to nothing...

Lu Yaoguang's head leaned forward slightly, leaning on Gu Zhiyang's shoulder, Gu Zhiyang gently stretched out his hand, stroking Lu Yaoguang's hair, "So, Yaoguang, don't go, stay, stay with me How are you around?"

Gu Zhiyang's words echoed throughout the infirmary.

After all, Lu Yaoguang did not answer Gu Zhiyang's words, she just shed tears silently, the tears soaked the clothes on Gu Zhiyang's shoulders...

(End of this chapter)

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