Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 568 I'll Ask You Again

Chapter 568 Let me ask you again

Oh my god, my memory is bad!I can't remember now!It's over, it's over, it's over!Who is here...? !
"Ah! Ming! You... I really want to peel off your skin now!" After all, I have been with my subordinates for more than ten years, and His Highness can immediately guess that Amin has not been with himself for a long time. The other name I said was because of Amin——

"Hehehe, Your Highness, this, this is really not my fault, I also forgot, I'm sorry..." Amin was talking on the phone, but he was pacing up and down in the room Go, grab your own scalp, it's miserable!Think about it!Just now, besides asking herself to check Gu Zhiyang, who else did Miss Sheng ask herself to check? !
"Think quickly! If you disappoint Yue Er by not finding that person because you can't figure it out, I will immediately send someone to arrest you and send you to an uninhabited island to be exiled for a month!" Hearing His Highness's roar on the other end of the phone, Ah Ming realized that it was over, His Highness was really angry now!
But what about Mao, he just can't remember who the other person Miss Sheng wants him to investigate? !
The cold sweat broke out on A Ming's face, oh my god, let me remember it, if I can't remember it, how will I go in the future!


A bright light flashed in Amin's mind!
The road ahead...
The way of the future...? !
"Oh! Your Highness, I remembered!" Amin said excitedly, "The other person Miss Sheng asked me to check is Lu Yaoguang! Yes, that's right! It's her!" Amin said panting , Fortunately, I figured it out in time, otherwise, it would be an uninhabited island!He didn't want to go there for a month!Let alone a month there, it's not sure whether I can find my body after I leave!

He still has a wife and a lovely daughter at home~
When A Ming thought of his daughter, he felt warm in his heart. He didn't pay attention for a while, and continued joking with His Highness, "Your Highness, I heard Lu Yaoguang's name, why does it feel like a girl's name? You said that Ms. Sheng is fine, why check out a girl? Could it be that girl—”

"Amin——" His Highness's voice came from the phone. This time, his voice made Amin almost lose his senses. He immediately put away the playful expression on his face, stood respectfully Waiting for the order from His Highness.

His Highness called himself "A Ming", and called himself three times in separate sentences. The first time was with a strong warning, but this warning was different from the usual warnings. The second time was just now, because His Highness couldn't think of Sheng The name of the second person that the lady was looking for, she was afraid that Miss Sheng would be disappointed if she didn't find any news because she forgot the name of that person, so her tone was a little anxious.

But this last sound of Amin was the most serious one, just like the sound of "revenge and blood" when they were young, without the slightest emotion.

The two are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, with just a phone call and just calling a name, His Highness can make him stand still and tremble all over, this is their Highness!It's His Royal Highness who is ruthless, decisive, and ruthless...

"Let me ask you again, what is the name of the second person you said Yueer asked you to check?"

(End of this chapter)

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