Chapter 574 Photos (02)
"Photos? What kind of photos..." Yunyi looked at the box curiously, and Bai Lu opened the box. Inside were some photos that she found very commemorative. "There are photos of my first victory in the competition, and there are photos of the stage." There are photos of dancing on the website, and there are many scenic spots that were taken when I was invited to participate in competitions in other places. In short, there are quite a lot of things..."

As Bai Lu spoke, she flipped through the photos in her hand one by one. There were many photos, all of which she carefully selected to commemorate.

Suddenly, a picture of Yunyi sleeping soundly with her chin propped on one hand appeared in the sight of the two of them——

Bai Lu blushed, and quickly took the photo away.

I thought to myself, why didn't I put this photo in another box...

Bai Lu lowered her head, blushing with shame, not daring to look at Yun Yi.

Little Yunduo, he didn't see it, did he...?
While feeling very shy in her heart, Bai Lu couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation, Xiao Yunduo, did he see this photo...?After he saw it, how did he feel...?
Bai Lu slightly raised her eyes expectantly, and was overjoyed when she saw that Yunyi's ears were also reddish, but when she saw the embarrassment, bewilderment, and even a little uncomfortable expression on Yunyi's face, Bai Lu There was a pain in my heart, I just felt as if I had fallen into a bottomless abyss, the feeling of shyness and anticipation all disappeared, it turns out... what I have brought to you is your uneasiness and hesitation...

At this time, Bai Lu began to feel a little thankful that Yunyi didn't open the photos when she put these photos here at the beginning...

I'm glad I didn't open another box in front of Yunyi just now...

Fortunately, in this box, among the photos full of meaning, there is only this one photo of Yunyi...

"Cough...cough..." Yunyi coughed suddenly, breaking the embarrassment between the two of them. Seeing Yunyi coughing desperately, Bai Lu hurriedly got out of bed and poured water for Yunyi. Yunyi took the water Bai Lu brought over and drank it. Next, finally stop coughing...

"When will you go back to school?" Yunyi asked, he had already returned to normal, and seemed not to be affected by the embarrassing state just now.

Bai Lu thought for a while and replied, "Next week... There are still a lot of things I haven't sorted out."

"Hmm..." Yunyi nodded, and wanted to put the remaining water on the table beside her, but Bai Lu also reached out her hand at this time, and the two hands touched together, and the water in Yunyi's hand was poured on the bed, Bailu and Yunyi Together they bent down to tidy up again, the photos were messed up, and the quilt was slightly wet...

"Sorry, Xiaobai." Yunyi picked up the photos one by one, and put the wet ones aside.

"It's okay..." Bai Lu also knew that this was purely an accident, and she didn't blame Yun Yi.

Yunyi was packing up the messed up photos, and at this moment, he suddenly noticed a photo and said:

It was a photo of Bai Lu participating in the competition. In the photo, there were other participating members and their parents, and among these parents...

There is one person that Yun Yi cares about very much.

"Xiaobai, where did you take this photo?" Yunyi picked up the photo and asked Bailu.

Bai Lu took the photo, and when she saw that photo again, her expression froze, this... this is...

(End of this chapter)

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