Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 578 I know what you want to say

Chapter 578 I know what you want to say

"What? Say it again..." Lu Yaoguang didn't hear clearly what Gu Zhiyang said, or, she didn't think about why Gu Zhiyang would ask her this question.

"I said, university, do you want to go to the dance academy?" Gu Zhiyang repeated patiently.

But who knows, just after he finished speaking, Lu Yaoguang's face turned pale.

Universities······Academy of Dance······? !
God, she had forgotten!She participated in the St. Gregory Talent Competition.

In so many media, dancing in front of so many people!
Now, isn't it all exposed that she can dance?She kept it a secret for so many years... Now, it's all exposed...
Lu Yaoguang's shoulders slumped slightly, and he still hasn't figured out how to deal with this matter.

The matter of her dancing, Sheng Zhiyue has seen her... There have been too many things that happened in the past two days, and she was so caught off guard by everything!

Now, what should she do? !

Sheng Zhiyue and Gu Zhiyang got engaged, and Sheng Zhiyue saw herself again.What would happen to her if she knew about her relationship with Gu Zhiyang? !

The matter of her dancing in front of everyone has already violated the original agreement, and the consequences of breaking the agreement...
No, no.Now she really must leave here!

"Gu Zhiyang, I..." Lu Yaoguang was impulsive, and just about to mention this matter to Gu Zhiyang again, but immediately remembered everything that Gu Zhiyang had said to himself in the school infirmary. In the meantime, I can't make a decision, and the words I want to leave are stuck in my throat and I can't get them out...
Seeing Lu Yaoguang's unspeakable expression, Gu Zhiyang immediately knew in his heart that Lu Yaoguang must say something that made him unhappy again.

In the past two days, the thing that made me unhappy was that Lu Yaoguang said that he wanted to leave him.

"I know what you want to say, do you want to leave again?" Gu Zhiyang sullenly.

Lu Yaoguang was a little hard to say, but Gu Zhiyang...knew?
"Let me ask you a few questions," Gu Zhiyang said, his hands suddenly placed on both sides of Lu Yaoguang's body, and he leaned forward, wrapping Lu Yaoguang firmly in his arms, which belonged to Gu Zhiyang. The masculine aura on Yang's body continued to spread from Gu Zhiyang's body, and Lu Yaoguang felt like a prey driven to death by a hunter, with nowhere to escape...

"You don't have to answer me, you just need to nod or shake your head. If you don't want to say it, I won't force you, just shake your head. I'm not discussing with you, but you have to agree. Otherwise..." As Gu Zhiyang said, he began to pull on his tie, and there was a tone called "dangerous" in his voice, which made Lu Yaoguang feel very scared, "Yaoguang, we have all grown up... "..."

"You should know what I will do if you resist." Gu Zhiyang said, approaching Lu Yaoguang's left ear, biting Lu Yaoguang's ear lightly with his teeth while talking Outlined, the aggressive meaning hit Lu Yaoguang, and Lu Yaoguang's body began to tremble involuntarily.

Gu Zhiyang felt Lu Yaoguang's fear, and whispered softly, "Don't be afraid, as long as you cooperate with me, I won't do anything to you."

(End of this chapter)

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