Chapter 583 She's Too Loud
That's right, now that he has created a barrier between himself and Zhiyang, isn't this bastard left alone? !
As long as we get rid of her, everything will be fine.

Even if Zhiyang is sick, what's the matter, she will become Zhiyang's "antidote"!Sheng Zhiyue has the confidence that Zhiyang's disease will be completely cured by herself!From then on, he was no different from a normal person, and he no longer had to worry about falling into a coma from time to time and what he would hug when he woke up.

Just get rid of her...
Mainly solved her...
Sheng Zhiyue's eyes, with a very scary and vicious look all the time, stared at the newspaper, all the pictures or words of "Lu Yaoguang" that appeared in the article, not even a single word!
As long as anyone with this name was written on it, Sheng Zhiyue would tear them into pieces. She cut out all the pictures about Gu Zhiyang, only Zhiyang!She only wants Zhiyang!

Everything that stands in front of her will disappear!

You bastard, right? Now it seems that you have become the target of my revenge. This is what people often say, karma reincarnation...

If there is a reincarnation of cause and effect, it is to let her drink that person's blood by herself, trample that person under her feet, and trample on her dignity!
You have to bear everything she has endured, you know? ! —Mongrels!

After Sheng Zhiyue tore up all the pictures about Lu Yaoguang, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and Sheng Zhiyue said leisurely, "Please go ahead." Then she continued to do what she was doing, but the person who came up , obviously already very, can't bear it!

"Miss, how did you make this place look like this?! Do you know how difficult it is for me to clean it?! Please be responsible for your actions!" The person who came up to knock on the door , Seeing his home being turned into this by Sheng Zhiyue, he was very angry.

She didn't know what happened just now, she was blocked at the door when she just left, at first she was scared to death, but the man suddenly said to herself: "Lend me the room for an hour, the price is whatever you want."

There were many people around this person, which made her very scared. She gave up her home to this strange woman, and she said a number casually, "One hundred thousand."

Unexpectedly, the 10 yuan really came into my own hands!And she also gave up her house to this woman for an hour. When she came up an hour later, she didn't see that her room turned out like this? !But this person brought so many people just now, she still has to say "you" to her politely... otherwise, she would have scolded her long ago!How did she make her home like this? !

Sheng Zhiyue glanced at the woman who lost her temper at her, said nothing. After tearing up all the information about Lu Yaoguang in her hand, she snapped her fingers under the woman's unbelievable eyes. His bodyguard immediately came up.

"Miss Sheng, do you have any orders?"

Sheng Zhiyue pointed to the woman jumping in front of her, "Tie up this woman, she's too noisy."

The bodyguards tied up the woman after three times and five divisions.

(End of this chapter)

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