Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 701 What Are You Going To Do?

Chapter 701 What Are You Going To Do?

"Gu Zhiyang, are you sick?!" Lu Yaoguang stopped knocking on the door, his eyes were slightly cold, "Open the door! I'm going to the hospital to wait for He Yi, not here to take a bath! I don't have that Feeling!"

Outside the bathroom door, Gu Zhiyang's voice sounded, "Look at you now, what are you doing there? Are you going to let her parents see you like this and think of the scene when her daughter was hit by a car?! Lu Yaoguang, you are really ruthless..."

Lu Yaoguang was so speechless by Gu Zhiyang that he couldn't find anything to say back to him.

She stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and looked at her current appearance again. Indeed, if He Yi's parents saw her appearance like this, they would probably think that the appearance of He Yi when she was just hit by a car is different from her appearance. more sad...
No, you must not appear in front of them like this!
When they arrived just now, I was lying there with Gu Zhiyang stretched out, and He Yi's parents didn't pay attention to themselves.

Auntie, she has been crying like that... her heart is broken, and uncle, standing at the door of the emergency room, seems to have aged ten years all of a sudden, with a vicissitudes on her back... How could she, again What about sprinkling salt on them? !

Thinking this way, Lu Yaoguang unbuttoned his clothes, and the bathroom door was suddenly opened. Lu Yaoguang was so frightened that he hurriedly covered the buttons he had already untied, and glared angrily at the person who came.

Gu Zhiyang stood in front of the bathroom door holding a new set of clothes, standing awkwardly, for a moment, he didn't know whether to put the clothes down or leave...
"What are you looking at? Are you going out soon?!"

Seeing that Gu Zhiyang was still standing there, Lu Yaoguang stared straight at him, and quickly yelled at Gu Zhiyang.

"Oh, oh," Gu Zhiyang nodded and turned around quickly, but when he saw the clothes in his hands, he had the cheek to close his eyes and turn around, before he received the critical blow. , quickly explained to Lu Yaoguang, "I'm here to get you clothes, don't worry, I'm closing my eyes now."

Lu Yaoguang held something high in his hand, and just held it in the air like this. After confirming that Gu Zhiyang really closed his eyes, he slowly put down the thing in his hand.

Gu Zhiyang quickly put down his clothes, turned around and still chose to close his eyes, which made him accidentally bump into the door when he was leaving.

Gu Zhiyang: "..." A low-pitched foul word came out of Gu Zhiyang's mouth, and when Lu Yaoguang saw Gu Zhiyang's actions and heard what he said, the corners of his mouth slightly raised——

The door of the bathroom was closed, Lu Yaoguang looked at the clothes put aside, a look of loneliness suddenly appeared on his face.

Gu Zhiyang······

Since you can't do it... why do you treat me so well? !
You are like this, what is it if you keep cutting and straightening and still messing up? !
The water washed Lu Yaoguang's body from top to bottom. Lu Yaoguang raised his face high and let the water spray on his face. The place where he was beaten by his mother was still aching... ·
Some blood stains on Lu Yaoguang's body were quickly washed away.Lu Yaoguang took a shower very quickly, and when she got dressed and went out to go straight to the hospital, Gu Zhiyang held Lu Yaoguang's hand again...
"What are you going to do again?"

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(End of this chapter)

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