Chapter 718
Can't rub it, can't rub it off!Here, there are traces of Zhiyang's touch!

Yes, you can't rub it, you have to keep it!

As for that little bitch, little bastard!Not only did she fail to do what she promised before, but she practiced dancing in private, and now, she did it to herself? !

This matter, she will never let her go!
Lu Yaoguang, Teacher Z praises you first, and Zhiyang protects you behind.Why, what I desperately want, you always get it so easily? !

I won't let you go!I won't let you go!
In Sheng Zhiyue's eyes, utter madness flashed across!

She must make that little bitch pay!

This time, she must pay the price!Isn't she good at dancing? !If you violated the previous agreement, then you will be punished according to the oath at that time, your feet, don't want it!

"Lu Yaoguang, this is your punishment! Aren't you very proud? Huh? You have been praised by Teacher Z and protected by Zhiyang. You must have been arrogant and arrogant behind your back, making fun of me?! "Sheng Zhiyue grabbed the pillow in her hand, and now, she has already regarded this pillow as Lu Yaoguang.

Sheng Zhiyue pinched the pillow fiercely, imagining in her mind the painful expression on Lu Yaoguang's face!
"Painful? Painful?! That's right, I just want to make you miserable, Lu Yaoguang, you wait for me! What you put on me, I will let you pay back double!" Sheng Zhiyue said Then, he slammed the pillow to the ground.

This time, she will do it herself!Destroyed Lu Yaoguang's feet with his own hands!

This is just the beginning of the punishment!Step by step, she will destroy everything about Lu Yaoguang bit by bit!

In Sheng Zhiyue's mind, the words that her mother asked herself when she was giving her the medicine emerged, and these things that I did, I must not let my mother know!
She is a good child, and everything she does is what a good child should do.

Yes, Sheng Zhiyue, you have to calm down and think carefully about the countermeasures, but you must not steal the chicken and lose everything. When the time comes, not only will you not destroy the little bastard, but you will even get dirty!

"Heyi!" Lu Yaoguang walked into Xia Heyi's ward, Xia Heyi was already awake, lying on the hospital bed, Lu Yaoguang hurried past the others and came to Xia Heyi's side.The ward was already full of people, He Suyun and Han Mu glanced at each other, and the others did the same, they gave way tacitly to allow Lu Yaoguang to pass through—

"He Yi, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

"Well, I'm much better now, Yao Guang, don't worry!" Xia Heyi was lying on the hospital bed, smiling brightly.

Looking at Xia Heyi's smile, Lu Yaoguang's nose became sour, almost, almost, she almost never saw such a smile again...
"Yaoguang, just leave it to us here. It's still early, so hurry up and wash up. Don't forget that you are still in school today. For Heyi, just leave it to us adults to take care of it. Hurry up With them," He Suyun pointed to Huang Shushu, Han Feng, Ji Shaoyi and Lu Yaoguang who were standing in the ward, "Hurry up and go back to school with them. As for Yiyi, I have asked your teacher for leave , Get ready, get ready, go to class."

Lu Yaoguang looked at He Suyun, she wanted to refuse, but Xia Heyi held her hand from the side...

(End of this chapter)

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