Chapter 721 Where Did We Go?

At this moment, the teacher walked into the classroom.

Standing on the podium table, she announced the matter of the St. Geli Talent Competition to the students in the class first.

"Students, today, let me announce to you the situation of the second round of the St. Geli Talent Competition held yesterday."

"The contestants in our class performed well. Among them, those who passed the competition in the piano group include Xia Heyi, Xu XX, and Zheng XXX. Those in the clarinet group... the ones who passed the dance group are: Lu Yao Guang, Sheng Zhiyue, Bai Lu. Let us first give warm applause and best wishes to the students in our class."

Under the call of the teacher, there was a warm applause in the classroom.

That's great, He Yi, she has also advanced!
At this moment, Lu Yaoguang, already immersed in Xia Heyi, passed the test of the second round of the competition just like himself, and was very happy for Xia Heyi.

"These students above," the teacher made a pause gesture to let everyone end the applause, "Please arrive at the place where the second round of the competition is held next week. The third round of St. Geli's competition will be It will be held at the place where you held the second round of the competition. The difference from the last competition is that this time the competition will directly disclose the topic of the exam to everyone. Probably, it will be posted when the get out of class is over later. Please participate in the competition , pay attention."

week after next? !
Lu Yaoguang was startled, why, so fast? !In such a short time, He Yi, how did she have time to participate in the competition? !

And, and...
This time Xia Heyi was injured, even though the serious injury was on the head, it didn't mean that she didn't have other injuries!Especially, Xia Heyi's hand...

Her hand was immobilized with a plaster cast. If she had to continue participating in the competition next week, then He Yi would definitely be too late!

Lu Yaoguang lowered his head sadly, damn it!

Seeing the painful expression on Lu Yaoguang's face at this moment, Gu Zhiyang stretched out his hand and touched Lu Yaoguang's clenched hand. Lu Yaoguang subconsciously wanted to put away his hand, but Gu Zhiyang held him Hold on tight.

"Gu Zhiyang, you, let go!" Lu Yaoguang lowered his voice, it's time for class, what is Gu Zhiyang doing? !

Gu Zhiyang didn't pay attention to Lu Yaoguang, but pretended that there was no such thing, took out his textbook from the drawer, opened the textbook, and began to listen to the class seriously.

Lu Yaoguang carefully looked around, and when he found that no one was looking at them, he glared at Gu Zhiyang angrily, put his hand under the desk, and wanted to take this opportunity to shake off Gu Zhiyang Otherwise, if it is placed on the table, it is too, too eye-catching!
However, Gu Zhiyang naturally did not let Lu Yaoguang get what he wanted, wherever Lu Yaoguang put his hand, his hand followed there.

When Lu Yaoguang tried his best to shake Gu Zhiyang's hand with his other hand, Gu Zhiyang suddenly said loudly, "Teacher, where are we going now?!"

Almost everyone's eyes were focused in their direction!
Lu Yaoguang was so frightened that he immediately used the hand that was not grasped by Gu Zhiyang to erect the textbook on his desk, while the hand that was entangled with Gu Zhiyang under the table stopped struggling.

Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang beside him nervously from the corner of his eye, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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