Chapter 726 90.00% Five
Elton College, that is the place that many people dream of, and want to enter even if their foreheads are squeezed.

She is actually one step away from Elton, right? !
Thinking of this, Lu Yaoguang was moved again, she was so excited that she shed tears, she quickly wiped the corners of her eyes, "Yes, I'm sorry teacher... your news, some, is too explosive, I, I suddenly, I ..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I can understand, I can understand." Z said, stretching out his hand, running along Lu Yaoguang's back, "Hey, seeing you so excited makes me feel more regretful, after all, I didn't really help you ..."

When Lu Yaoguang heard what Z said, he quickly explained to Z, "No, no, nothing! Teacher, you have given me great encouragement by telling me about this. Really! You must also Don't have such emotions, you have really helped me a lot! It is really a great honor for me to receive such high recognition and evaluation from you. I am already very content! However, entering After all, Elyton College is not such a simple matter. Rather, if I simply entered Elyton College because of a dance I performed yesterday, I think I will be very happy now. After all, Elyton College , is a college that so many people want to enter but not many people can enter..."

Z was very satisfied when he heard what Lu Yaoguang said.Hey, the more I talk to this student now, the more satisfied I am with this student. Unfortunately, I can't really help her!

It's all Kyao that woman!Usually, he can fulfill a student's dream with just one sentence, but this year is it her turn to be the examiner? !As a result, he has no right to exercise privileges.What else to say, the person he recommended has no evidence, how do you know that this student has the criteria to enter Elton?In the video, I kept arguing with him and him!

Really, I don’t even think about it, the school he recommended to study in Elliton said, which one didn’t win the school’s glory in the end? !Where have there been examples of failure? !

I kept arguing with him in the video, and it turned out that in order to calm the two of them down as soon as possible, the school actually proposed to let Kyao come here to join me in selecting talents from the St. Geli Talent Competition. Allison.

Please, this, isn't it superfluous? !It is enough to have him!Moreover, in the end, the woman Kyao will definitely agree to let Lu Yaoguang enter Elton. It's really a waste of time, energy and money.

"But don't be discouraged. It doesn't mean that your chances are over here. If you know that you also want to enter Elton, I will be relieved." Z just wanted to tell Lu Yao about the school's arrangement in Elton. Just to speak clearly, Lu Yaoguang interrupted first, "Teacher, wait a minute!"

Although Elleton is a place that many dancers want to enter, but for her...

"What's the matter? Don't tell me, you don't want to enter Elton at all, don't Yaoguang, you have that ability, you can enter Elton."

"Also, as far as China is concerned, the most elite dancers, 90.00% I dare not promise you, but [-]% five, for sure, are all in Elton College, don't you want to go to Elton College Take a look inside, discuss and discuss with those elites, and learn from each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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