Chapter 742
Gu Zhiyang comforted Lu Yaoguang in this way, until Lu Yaoguang stopped whispering or trembling, Gu Zhiyang looked down and found that Lu Yaoguang had fallen asleep.

Looking at the "mess" in the room, Gu Zhiyang sighed softly, picked up Lu Yaoguang and the quilt, and carried them to another room.

You still have to change into clean clothes...
Gu Zhiyang put the sleeping Lu Yaoguang on the bed, Yaoguang's hair was also wet and had to be dried.Gu Zhiyang just wanted to get up to get the hair dryer, but he accidentally lifted the quilt covering Lu Yaoguang's body at the moment, revealing the marks he had left on Lu Yaoguang's body when the two were "disturbed" just now.

Gu Zhiyang: "..." This is really a torment!
Averting his face awkwardly, Gu Zhiyang hurriedly covered Lu Yaoguang with the quilt again, ran to the bathroom, picked up the hair dryer, went back to Lu Yaoguang's closet, opened the closet, and looked at the orderly clothes inside. With Lu Yaoguang's clothes on display, Gu Zhiyang's ears were slightly red. This was the first time he went to a girl's closet to help someone get clothes.

Pajamas and so on are easy to hold, but...underwear and so on...
Gu Zhiyang, Gu Zhiyang, the two of you were almost in trouble just now, and now you are just helping Yaoguang with clothes, why are you cowardly? !

Gu Zhiyang stretched out his hand, patted his cheek, and opened the cabinet in the closet, there.It is the place where Lu Yaoguang puts his clothes.Gu Zhiyang turned his face away, opened the drawer, quickly took out the things that Lu Yaoguang needed now, quickly wrapped them in his pajamas, and walked to the bed.

Lu Yaoguang didn't sleep well. In his sleep, his brows were still furrowed, and his hands were holding the quilt very restlessly——

Seeing Lu Yaoguang like this, Gu Zhiyang felt his heart was pulled together, "Yaoguang, Yaoguang..." Gu Zhiyang patted Lu Yaoguang's cheek lightly, pulling Lu Yaoguang from Waking up in light sleep.Lu Yaoguang opened his eyes dimly, and Gu Zhiyang helped Lu Yaoguang up from the bed, "Yaoguang, be good~ let's change our clothes, blow our hair before going to bed, okay? If you fall asleep like this, you'll catch a cold of."

Lu Yaoguang didn't react, and let Gu Zhiyang be "at the mercy", and without knowing why, she suddenly stared at Gu Zhiyang, and her own clothes beside Gu Zhiyang, and suddenly spoke to Gu Zhiyang One sentence, "you change it for me."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Lu Yaoguang and Gu Zhiyang were both stunned.

Lu Yaoguang's head suddenly came to his senses, and after realizing what he blurted out to Gu Zhiyang just now, his face immediately turned red, my God!She, what did she just say? !

Gu Zhiyang was also very embarrassed at first, but after seeing Lu Yaoguang's face, after a lot of effort, there was a different expression on Lu Yaoguang's face, and he felt very happy immediately, and couldn't help but want to tease Lu Yaoguang, so Gu Zhiyang approached Lu Yaoguang maliciously——

Lu Yaoguang felt that the distance between Gu Zhiyang and himself was getting closer and closer, and he kept retreating until he retreated to the wall. When there was no way to retreat, he had to raise his head and look directly at Gu Zhiyang.

"No, no need, I, I can do it myself..." Lu Yaoguang swallowed after finishing speaking.

Seeing Lu Yaoguang's expression like a frightened little rabbit, Gu Zhiyang smiled even brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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