Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 756 How did I become like this

Chapter 756 How did I become like this

Sheng Zhiyue yelled in pain and beat the bed angrily, "Give me a mirror! I want a mirror!"

"Are you all deaf? Didn't you hear?! I want a mirror!"

Sheng Zhiyue's roar made Sheng Quan almost unbearable, and his heart throbbed fiercely, and Sheng Zhiyue's emotions became more and more ups and downs. Seeing that she was about to fall down again, Ouyang Fang Only then did she quickly agree to Sheng Zhiyue, "Yue'er, okay, mommy will bring you a mirror! Mommy will bring you a mirror!" Sheng Zhiyue was so happy when she heard that Ouyang Fang was going to get herself a mirror, she quickly grabbed it Holding Ouyang Fang's hand, "Okay, mom, mom, get me a mirror quickly! Get me a mirror quickly!"

"Okay, Yueer, Yueer, be good, don't get angry, don't get angry, mom will get you a mirror now, don't get too excited, okay? If you get excited, the wound will hurt." Ouyang Fang patted Sheng Zhi Yue's back is just like what I did to Sheng Zhiyue when she had nightmares and fears when she was a child. I hope that by relying on these actions that can calm Sheng Zhiyue's emotions when she was a child, Sheng Zhiyue will not be too excited now. .

"Huhu...huhu..." Sheng Zhiyue gradually calmed down after hearing Ouyang Fang's words, "Mom, can you get Yueer a mirror quickly? Yueer just wants to look in the mirror ······" Sheng Zhiyue said, tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes, in Ouyang Fang's eyes, Ouyang Fang was almost overwhelmed and wanted to shed tears, she nodded quickly in agreement with Sheng Zhiyue.

The moment she turned her back to Sheng Zhiyue and wanted to take the mirror from her bag, Ouyang Fang's whole body was trembling, and Sheng Quan's heart seemed to be torn apart. ······
Ouyang Fang had already got the mirror in the bag, but for some reason, the mirror was always unstable in the bag. As soon as she got it, the mirror fell back into the bag again, and as soon as she got it, it fell back again, and so on.. ····

"Yue, Yue'er, here, here you are—Mom, mom will show you." Finally, the moment she picked up the mirror, Ouyang Fang turned around, and under Sheng Zhiyue's expectant eyes, she held the mirror, Putting it in front of Sheng Zhiyue, the mirror was still in her hand.

Sheng Zhiyue wanted to take the mirror from Ouyang Fang's hand, but Ouyang Fang's hand held the mirror tightly, preventing Sheng Zhiyue from taking it. Sheng Zhiyue raised her head and looked at Ouyang Fang——

"Mom?!" Sheng Zhiyue said "Mom" very lightly, with a little expectation, a little expectation.

Ouyang Fang burst into tears because of Sheng Zhiyue's "Mom", and when she let go of her hand, the mirror fell into Sheng Zhiyue's hands.

Sheng Zhiyue excitedly picked up the mirror and took a look. When she saw that her face was covered with gauze, Sheng Zhiyue froze in place, and then stretched out a hand tremblingly, slightly covering her face. the bandage, tore off a corner, and when he saw the raw wound—

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" This is not me! This is not me! This is not me..."

"This is not me! This is not me!" Sheng Zhiyue yelled loudly, yelling, touching her face in pain, and crying, "This is not me! How did I become like this? How could I Become like this?!"

(End of this chapter)

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