Chapter 765 Heart, Will It Hurt?

The girl said nothing, but her face became a little pale...

The man looked at the girl's pale face at this moment, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Any thoughts?"

"...No." The girl shook her head, the man crossed the table in front of her, walked up to the girl, stretched out his hand, and curled up a strand of hair hanging on the girl's side, "I didn't expect him to be here so soon Lu Yaoguang and Sheng Zhiyue made a choice, and they are still so firm..."

"Heart, will it hurt?"

Hearing the man's question, the girl shook her head expressionlessly.

"It really won't hurt?" The man asked again, as if unsure.

"No." This time, the girl raised her head and looked at the man.The man smiled with satisfaction, "So, then I will ask you to do one more thing. As long as this thing is completed, you can go to see him as you wish."

"Really?" A look of anticipation flashed across the girl's expressionless face, but she immediately regained her composure, thinking something was wrong in her heart.Sure enough, the man's expression changed, "You still say you won't feel heartache?"


"If you don't feel heartache, it means you don't care. But I just changed the words, and you immediately changed your face?! What are my rules, don't you know?" The man's face changed, "Wait After you complete the task, go and receive the punishment yourself."

"...Yes." With her thoughts revealed, the girl no longer dared to refute the man, so she nodded.

The man returned to the position where he was standing just now, and took out a document from the table, "This is the current internal scene of the Gu Corporation. Immediately, spread it to the interior of the major companies. Remember, don't let them reveal it to the public. The media, just need to let them know that the current Gu Group is just a high-rise building that is glamorous on the outside, but in fact it has already been dilapidated. Also, send a message to the bank. By the way, let the major banks You are not allowed to lend money to Song Yun."

"Yes." The girl took the document, and just when she was about to leave, the man seemed to have remembered something important, frowned, and called to the girl, "Also, go and check one more thing for me. It's more difficult, help me investigate the relationship between Lu Yaoguang and Ouyang Fang."

When the girl heard the man say this, doubts flashed across her face, "What's the relationship? We didn't have their relationship before..."

"I also thought that the relationship between them should be the same as what we checked before, but Ouyang Fang was so well protected by Sheng Quan, I could only rely on my original impressions to think about what she is like now, until I saw her today, I discovered something very interesting..." These two people, they look alike, unexpectedly?
Although this was unbelievable, he immediately thought of a possibility.

"Forget it, you don't need to investigate this matter. I guess if you investigate, it will still be the same as our original investigation results. When I arrive, I will send Lu Yaoguang and Sheng Quan, or Ouyang Fang's hair Class, go get a DNA test."

"DNA? Are you skeptical..."

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. Now, go and spread the news about the Gu Group." The man interrupted what the girl was about to say, waved his hand, and let the girl go out.


After the girl walked out of the room, the man sat on the chair, looked out the window, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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