Chapter 769 Check it out for me (03)

"But..." Mommy gritted her teeth. When she entered the room just now, the expression on Miss Zhiyue's face she saw was exactly the same as that woman back then!It can be said that it was carved out of a mold...
My God, is there such a coincidence in this kind of thing?She just felt that the mark on Lu Yaoguang's body was strange, and immediately saw Miss Zhiyue showing such an expression.And that woman, so like...
Could there be such a coincidence?Or is it because she was so stimulated by the mark on Lu Yaoguang's body that Miss Zhiyue would find it strange now? !

After all, Miss Zhiyue never showed such an expression before.

Or...Miss Zhiyue, "hidden very deeply"? !

"My mother, my mother!" Ouyang Fang called her mother, wondering why she stopped talking all of a sudden while talking to her mother properly?

"Oh, ma'am, what's the matter?" Mommy finally came to her senses and responded quickly.

Ouyang Fang looked at her mother worriedly, "Mom, you have been running around all night last night, are you tired too? Go and rest quickly, something happened to Yue'er, so please don't let anything happen to you!" Mom's age Big, can't afford to toss...

"Thank you, madam, for your concern. I, I'm really a little tired. Then, I, I'll go to sleep first." Mommy concealed it, but in fact, in her heart, now, she already had an idea.

"Well, Mommy, let's go, Yue'er has me here."

After getting Ouyang Fang's permission, my mother walked towards the resting place... But as soon as she turned around, her mother immediately left the villa, stopped a car, and went to Gu's house.

My mother hurriedly walked towards the room she lived in when she was in Gu's house. On the way, she met the servants of Gu's family. They were used to walking around in Gu's house, so they didn't stop her.

After my mother entered her room, she closed the door and gasped for breath. She rushed all the way just now, which made her a little uncomfortable. After her mother gradually calmed down, she pressed her heart, looked at the trash can .

If the members of the Gu family have followed what she said, don't go in and out of her room casually, and don't need to clean the room for her, then the things in this trash can should have not been asked away... ··

And the garbage in this trash can.Only that day, the hair torn from Lu Yaoguang...
God bless!Hope that thing is still there.

My mother took the first step, but immediately stopped in place.

She actually came here to find Lu Yaoguang's hair?What are you doing, doubting the relationship between Madam and Miss Zhiyue? !
But... at this moment, in my mother's mind, the imprint on Lu Yaoguang's body and the expression on Sheng Zhiyue's face kept reappearing in her mind. My mother gritted her teeth, no, she must do this. Can't check!Be sure to check it out!Otherwise, she would be thinking wildly all day long, and in that case, it would be even worse for Miss Zhiyue and Madam.

My mother walked to the trash can, opened the trash can as if praying, and when she saw that Lu Yaoguang's hair was still inside, she carefully picked up the hair and wrapped it in a plastic bag.From the bag, take out another plastic bag...
(End of this chapter)

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