Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 771 You have to keep it a secret

Chapter 771 You have to keep it a secret

If it's a parent-child relationship...My mother closed her eyes in pain, she didn't dare to imagine at all, what would she do if such a thing really happened?what will happen ma'am?
God, why didn't I report to my wife or Mr. Sheng Quan in time when I didn't see the red birthmark on the child for the second time? !
If I had said something back then, I would not be so entangled now!

But in this world, there is no regret medicine, so now, I can only wait for the result after five days.

Now, it's time for her to go back to the villa. She has been out for so long, but don't wait for the madam to find her for something. If she can't find it, it will be a disaster!The madam will definitely worry about herself to death!

Hurry back, hurry back...

After my mother left, the doctor took the materials in my mother's hand and sighed helplessly.At this moment, another doctor in a white coat came out of nowhere and walked towards this doctor.

The doctor holding the materials saw Dr. Wang coming over, and hurriedly greeted Dr. Wang. "Hello, Doctor Wang."

"Ah hello."

Doctor Wang, full name Wang Fu.Almost half of his life has been dedicated to the profession of a doctor, and he works hard. Now, he is the deputy director of the best hospital in the city!He is very friendly and is a doctor respected by everyone in the hospital. The only regret is that he is in his 50s and is approaching [-], and he has not yet married a wife and had children.

"Xiao Qin, just now I overheard you talking to a family member of a patient? It was a guest talking, and since the guest told you to keep it a secret, then you have to keep it a secret." Dr. Wang didn't know Since when, I stood in that corner and listened to the conversation between my mother and Dr. Qin, but neither Dr. Qin nor my mother noticed it.

"Ah, did Dr. Wang hear it?" Xiao Qin touched his head embarrassingly. He and Dr. Wang work in a completely different place, and Dr. Wang seldom goes here. Now, Dr. Wang will suddenly appear in the here? !Also heard the conversation between him and that person just now? !

Doctor Wang, how could he care so much about himself? !Could it be that he is going to be promoted? !
Not only that, Dr. Wang appeared here so abnormally today, and, just now, he even called out his name! !Although, it's just called "Xiao Qin" surname, but if you know the surname, you must also know what his name is!

I have never told Dr. Wang my name, but Dr. Wang knows my name. Recently, there are several vacancies in the hospital, but I don’t see that the hospital wants to recruit others. Everyone said again, these positions , is to be drawn from them!
If that's the case, then Dr. Wang must be one of the assessment members of the hospital. He would "care" about himself just now and tell him what he should pay attention to. Then Dr. Wang must have great expectations for him!

Doctor Xiao Qin thought, and a look of excitement flashed across his face. If he could climb to those positions, then his current salary must be doubled!
"Yes, I heard it, but I didn't mean to hear it." Dr. Wang sent a slightly apologetic look to Dr. Xiao Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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