Chapter 773
In this way, Dr. Wang will definitely feel that he is a person who casually discloses the patient's information and cannot be promoted!

"No, no... Hehehe, Doctor Wang, this, this, I, I, I have something else to do, Doctor Wang, let's talk again!" Xiao Qin said, holding the information in his hand, hurriedly chatting and taking a step forward , he didn't know how to explain it to Dr. Wang, since that's the case, he had no choice but to slip away!
Dr. Wang was left alone, looking at Xiao Qin's leaving back, stretched out his hand, touched his chin, and showed an intriguing smile. Sure enough, it was as he thought!
"Yaoguang, do you want to go to school today?" In the early morning, when Lu Yaoguang just woke up, Gu Zhiyang leaned on the head of the bed, supported his chin with one hand, and played with Lu Yaoguang's hair with the other, asking Lu Yao Light.

Lu Yaoguang thought about it, shook his head, "I think it's good to stay here."

"Okay, then you sleep for a while, I'll cook some porridge for you, since yesterday, you haven't had a good meal, now, you must be hungry?" Gu Zhiyang said, lifted the quilt, and got up.

"Gu Zhiyang..." Lu Yaoguang called Gu Zhiyang hesitantly, Gu Zhiyang paused when he left, and turned his head, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yaoguang looked at Gu Zhiyang quietly for a while, then shook her head suddenly, "No, no..."

Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang's depressed look, walked to Lu Yaoguang's side, and put Lu Yaoguang on the bed, "Didn't I say it? Don't think about it now, take care of your wounds, look at you, now There are so many injuries on my body..." Gu Zhiyang's hand stroked the wound on the corner of Lu Yaoguang's mouth, Lu Yaoguang couldn't hold back, and groaned, Gu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yaoguang lovingly, On Lu Yaoguang's forehead, she lightly kissed, "Everything is mine, don't be afraid."

After finishing speaking, before Lu Yaoguang could react, Gu Zhiyang had already walked out of the room.Leaving Lu Yaoguang lying on the bed alone, he stretched out his hand and touched the place where Gu Zhiyang kissed just now. On it, the marks left by Gu Zhiyang's lips were soft...

Gu Zhiyang walked out of the room, closed all the curtains in this room, and closed the whole room tightly.

Then he leaned against the window, secretly opened a corner, and looked at everything outside the window.I saw a piece of tranquility outside the window, and the soft sunlight sprinkled on the earth...

Gu Zhiyang put down the curtains and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yao Guang didn't say that he was going to school just now.Otherwise, it would be really difficult.

Now outside, it must not be as peaceful as he imagined.

Sheng Zhiyue's face was disfigured this time, and Sheng Quan would definitely teach Lu Yaoguang a lesson for her.Even, Gu Zhiyang felt that Sheng Quan would kill him.Now, only in the house, in a relatively secluded space, can Li Yaoguang hide with him. As for the "things" outside, Gu Zhiyang believes that since the teacher has agreed to him, then, he must be by his side , Arranged manpower.

The sky looks peaceful on the surface, but underneath that calmness is not tranquility.If you are not careful, you will kill someone...

"What did you say? The person was found, but - can't be brought back?" Sheng Quan sat on the leather sofa, listening to the phone with one hand, and tapping rhythmically on the table with the other.

"When did the person I wanted to bring back still have someone I couldn't bring back?"

(End of this chapter)

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