Chapter 781 Departure
"What are you doing?!" At this moment, Sheng Quan's voice sounded in the room, and everyone fell silent immediately.

Seeing Sheng Quan appearing, Sheng Zhiyue yelled at Sheng Quan, "It's strange! Come on, tell mom to go back to America as soon as possible!"

Sheng Quan hurriedly walked to Sheng Zhiyue's side, "Okay, okay, Yue'er, I will let your mother go back. Stop making trouble."

Hearing what Sheng Quan said, Sheng Zhiyue finally calmed down. Sheng Quan motioned Xu Ma to take care of Sheng Zhiyue, and Ouyang Fang walked out of the room with Sheng Quan.

"I think you should go back to the United States first."

After thinking for a while, Ouyang Fang supported her head and nodded, "Then... you can arrange it for me. I will rush back as soon as possible to see what happened. I will solve it as soon as possible."

"Well, don't be too tired." Sheng Quan stretched out his hand, originally intending to touch Ouyang Fang's head, but he stretched his hand halfway, remembering what Ouyang Fang said before, telling himself not to touch her again.As a result, the outstretched hand froze in mid-air, making both Sheng Quan and Ouyang Fang very embarrassed...

"I'll make arrangements, you can go and rest for a while." Finally, Sheng Quan arranged for Ouyang Fang to return to the United States, and Ouyang Fang also nodded in agreement.

Sheng Quan's subordinates were very efficient, and within a short while, the matter was completed. Ouyang Fang planned to take another look at Sheng Zhiyue before leaving, but Sheng Zhiyue had already fallen asleep, so she had to go first.

But when Ouyang Fang stepped out of the room and was about to leave for the United States, she was shot at the door...

Sheng Quan hugged Ouyang Fang tightly, the expression on his face made people feel very scared.

Things on the road must never involve family members.

This is the rule that everyone on the road abides by.

And the rule that must be followed even more than this agreement is: Never touch Sheng Quan's family members!

But now, the other party has destroyed these two rules, especially, they are still doing it under Sheng Quan's nose!

The gunshots quickly disappeared...

Sheng Quan supported Ouyang Fang to stand up, "Are you okay?"

Ouyang Fang was tightly embraced by Sheng Quan, and after she calmed down, she struggled away from Sheng Quan's embrace, "I'm fine. I have to go to America."

"I'll go with you!" Without saying a word, Sheng Quan took Ouyang Fang's hand and wanted to act together.

"No!" Ouyang Fang retorted immediately, "After what happened just now, you still want to go to America with me? What if they come again? What about Yue'er?"

Sheng Quan said to his subordinates, "All of you, stay here and obey Miss's orders."


"Now, I will go to America with you."

"Sheng! Quan!" Ouyang Fang was annoyed by Sheng Quan's behavior, "Do you know what decision you are making now?! Is Yue'er's safety so unimportant to you?"

"No, Yue'er's safety is very important."

"Then you still..."

"But your safety is more important! I'll leave all my brothers behind and arrange someone to come over later. I just want to stay with you."

"You!" Ouyang Fang wanted to say something, but was knocked out by Sheng Quan's palm.

"Ah Fang, I'm sorry..." The other party came after him!First his brother, then your company, and now, the other party is going to attack you...

If he stays, the possibility of Yue'er having an accident is even greater!

And when we go back to the United States with you, although there are only two of us, I will definitely protect you!It doesn't matter if you spell your name...

 Thank you Xiaoyu for voting for me every day!Thank you, very touched! [I don’t know if the name was typed wrong. Only the first two characters of the user name can be displayed on the phone, and they are all half fonts!Please forgive me if I make a mistake!When the computer is updated at night, it will be modified outside. 】

  Finally sent them back to the US qaq

(End of this chapter)

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