Chapter 801 Give up your life

The doctor came out of Sheng Zhiyue's room - "Miss Sheng, the wound on your face can no longer cause any damage. It is very bad for your recovery to recover from the wound opening again like now. Also, in Before the injury on your face recovers, please don't have too many emotional ups and downs—"

The doctor ordered Sheng Zhiyue to walk out of the room.

Sheng Zhiyue sat in the room, thinking about the change in Xu Ma's attitude towards her just now.

Mother Xu, what's the matter?Why are you doing that to yourself all of a sudden?She just scolded that little bitch a few words, why did Mama Xu have such a big reaction? !
Is it really like Xu's mother said that she doesn't want to have the idea of ​​killing someone? !

Although I inadvertently exposed this idea, if it was Xu's usual mother, she should understand her own thoughts and educate herself not to have such thoughts.But no matter what, I won't be so angry with myself...

Mama Xu, she has never been so angry with herself!What's going on here?

Mama Xu's anger is still related to Lu Yaoguang...

what happened?How did that happen?

Didn't Xu's mother hate that bitch just like herself before? !
Why has Xu Ma's attitude changed so much this time?

This in the end is why……

"Hey, Miss Sheng, it's really difficult to take care of, here and there for a while, you say, no matter how authoritative we are in this field, we can't restore the unrepaired skin to its original appearance! "

"That's right, her face was injured but she didn't let the injured face recover first. She directly asked the higher-ups to let us use the knife again to restore the previous appearance. Tell me, isn't this equal to adding injury to injury?!"

Several doctors who had just treated Sheng Zhiyue walked out of the villa and discussed in a low voice.

"That's right, tell me, this is a truth that anyone can understand, why doesn't she understand it?!"

"I can't help it, Missy has a bad temper! I just don't know, if she sees her face at that time..."

"Shh - do you want to die?!"

One of the doctors leaked, and the other doctors quickly covered the mouth of the doctor who said the leak, and looked around carefully.After confirming that no one from the Sheng family was there, he breathed a sigh of relief...

"Idiot! What are you talking about now?! Do you want to kill us?!"

Let go of the doctor who was fatter among the crowd and almost leaked, and the others looked at him with some annoyance, "If someone else overhears this, let His Highness know, do you want to lose your head?" ?!"

The fat doctor gasped.They were all too nervous just now, pressing him down so that he could hardly breathe...

"You think I think so? When the time comes when her gauze is removed, the deep one will almost cut the bone! At most, we can only make the wound smaller and less obvious. But it still exists after all. Yes!"

"If someone from someone else's family was injured so badly, I would be grateful to Dade for being able to recover to that point, but it happened. That's His Highness's daughter! What she asked was for us to restore her face to its original state ! As is!"

"She didn't come according to our suggestion, she had to come earlier! The scar must still be there! What should I do! Cold salad! It will be a big deal at that time, just give up your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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