Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 803 Do You Want To Join Us

Chapter 803 Do You Want To Join Us (02)

"Oh, so that's how it is!" Wang Fu nodded, "I understand, I understand... Then you guys came here specially to perform surgery on Ms. Sheng Zhiyue? Face..."

Under the sign of the glasses doctor, several other doctors nodded.

"We have basically recovered the wound on Miss Sheng Zhiyue's face..." said the glasses doctor quite proudly!

"What?! Basically recovered?! Then, how is that possible?!" Wang Fu looked at the optician in disbelief, "Miss Sheng Zhiyue's face is already...has deep scars on her face, isn't it?! "

"It's true, but we...hehe, you know it too. When the few of us get together, what face do we have that we can't cure?!" The optician's hand rested on Wang Fu's face. "But now we have encountered some bottlenecks. After all, we were not the ones who operated on Ms. Sheng for the first time. What kind of wounds on Ms. Sheng's face did we have? We can't plan how to go to the next step." Better to restore her original appearance, Zhengchou didn't know what to do, unexpectedly, you appeared..."

"Ahem, Xiao Wang, you really helped us a lot!" The glasses doctor suddenly raised his voice, and after the doctors next to him heard it, several of them already understood what Doctor Xiao Wang meant...

"Yes, yes, Xiao Wang, you have really helped us a lot! I wonder if you would like to join us and treat Miss Sheng Zhiyue's face with us?!"

A few people who already understand what the glasses doctor thinks.They surrounded Wang Fu one after another.Persuade Wang Fu to join them and heal Sheng Zhiyue's face with them...

"But... if this is the case, it's not good!" Wang Fu looked flattered.

"Why? You don't want to?!" The spectacle doctor asked back, Wang Fu shook his head quickly, "How is it possible, how could I not want to work with some famous figures in the medical field?! If others find out, I don't know how much fame I can increase! It's just that it seems to be not good for you guys..."

"How could it be?! Let's say that because of you, we have become more confident in treating Miss Sheng Zhiyue's face! When the time comes, we will be like this..."

Finally, under the persuasion of several people, Wang Fu flatteredly agreed to the request of several leading doctors, and worked with them to treat Sheng Zhiyue's face...

"Then I'm here, and I'm leaving first. Thank you for your invitation. I will officially join your work tomorrow. I will definitely follow up with you as soon as possible!" Wang Fu said brightly.Immediately afterwards, I bid farewell to several doctors...

"Oh no, I said what's going on with you guys?! Well done, why did you bring in an unknown soldier to work with us?! Don't you worry that he will get in the way and hinder our work?!" The fat doctor He looked at the other doctors in puzzlement.

The optician touched his forehead helplessly, "Hey, tell me, with your brain, how did you manage to be as famous as us?!"

"Okay, okay, old Li, don't blame the fat man! That fat man is full of knowledge theories and these things all day long. He doesn't understand, so you should tell him clearly why you let that person just now join us……"

(End of this chapter)

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