Chapter 807 Tell Her Quickly
"Go, go, go!"

"Don't go, don't go..."

"You guys, what are you doing?" Lu Yaoguang had just come down from the stairs when he saw this unusual scene in front of him. Gu Zhiyang dragged his mother, as if to drive her out of the room? !
Hearing Lu Yaoguang's voice, Gu Zhiyang raised his head and looked towards the stairs. When he saw Lu Yaoguang standing on it, he let go of his hand, and quickly let go of his mother's hand that was holding him tightly. Because my mother had been pulled by Gu Zhiyang before, out of inertia, Gu Zhiyang suddenly let go of her hand, and my mother didn't stand still, and fell directly to the ground.

"Auntie!" Lu Yaoguang saw his mother fall, and rushed down from the stairs to help her mother who fell on the ground, "Are you okay?!"

My mother looked at Lu Yaoguang a little "flattered", "It's okay, it's okay, thank you Yaoguang." Seeing Lu Yaoguang rushing down to help her up without saying a word when she fell down, my mother was moved in her heart.

"It's fine." After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, she looked at Gu Zhiyang with a gloomy gaze, and Gu Zhiyang quickly waved her hand, "It was she who fell, not me! You look at me like that what?!"

"Gu Zhiyang, you..."

"Okay, Yaoguang, it's none of his business. It's because I didn't stand firm, so don't talk about him." Mom patted Lu Yaoguang's hand, "Yaoguang, I made soup for you, what do you want? drink?"

"Ah? Oh...thank you, auntie." Lu Yaoguang was startled by his mother's sudden words, mother, is this making soup for her again? !strange
Seeing that Lu Yaoguang didn't refuse, my mother was happy for a while, and pulled Lu Yaoguang to go to the kitchen, "Come, come, drink while it's hot."

Just like that, Lu Yaoguang was dragged into the kitchen by his mother, and Gu Zhiyang hurriedly followed, "Yaoguang! Don't drink!"

"Don't drink it!" Gu Zhiyang followed closely and took Lu Yaoguang's hand, "What if this soup is poisonous?!"

"How could it be poisonous? This is the kind of soup I stewed for Yaoguang yesterday. Isn't it okay for Yaoguang to drink it?!" Mom felt uncomfortable when Gu Zhiyang said again that the soup he stewed for Lu Yaoguang was poisonous. , quickly retorted.

"Hmph, that was yesterday, yesterday was your first time here, so of course you dare not poison Yaoguang all at once! You just want Yaoguang to relax his vigilance, so you came here again to deliver soup to Yaoguang, right?! Yaoguang Guang, don't drink!" Gu Zhiyang pulled Lu Yaoguang to his side, "Just now she said that as long as you tell her not to come to our place again, she will not come here again. Hurry up and She said, tell her not to come here anymore, I want to see if she really won't come here again!"

After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, he looked at his mother proudly, "If you really don't bother Yaoguang as you said before, it will prove that what you said is correct, and I can consider it Believe what you said before, but if you don't do it, it means that what you said before is false!"

My mother didn't expect that Gu Zhiyang would come to this trick, she was shocked and annoyed, but she had no choice but to "!" You didn't come here for a reason, and then I set my sights on Lu Yaoguang. As long as Yaoguang doesn't drive me away, I still have a chance to make some insignificant compensations!
(End of this chapter)

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