Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 817 Drinking [Xiyun Chapter] [2 in 1]

Chapter 817 Drinking [Xiyun Chapter] [Two in One]

"Boss Huang, I'm here this time to discuss with you about your investment in Gu's..." Song Yun went straight to the point, and took out the documents she had prepared——
"Mrs. Song, don't be in such a hurry..." Boss Huang smiled, his dark yellow teeth gleamed under the light, and the golden teeth sparkled.Song Yun lowered her head silently, ready to deal with Boss Huang next.

Boss Huang looked at Song Yun's shocked expression, and suddenly took out a cigarette from his pocket, "Does Mrs. Song smoke?"

Song Yun smiled and refused, "Sorry, I don't smoke."

"That's it..." Boss Huang said, and asked his subordinates to light the fire for him, took a puff of cigarettes, and then slowly exhaled...
Boss Huang's smoke was made of something unknown. Song Yun was already sitting far away from him. The smoke ring from Boss Huang's mouth was still lingering in the air. When Song Yun smelled the smell of smoke, Not very comfortable, subconsciously frowned.

Boss Huang grinned, stood up, walked slowly to Song Yun's side, put one hand on the table, "It seems that Boss Song doesn't like the smell of cigarettes very much, then, I will pay attention~"

He said he would pay attention, but he kept spraying the smell of smoke on Song Yun's body.

Song Yun's hand was clenched under the table. The smell of the smoke was very different from what she usually smelled, which made her very uncomfortable, but now she couldn't move her position at will or show any impatient expression, otherwise, this So far, the only chance to save the Gu Group will be lost in vain...

"Boss Huang, I think we should get to the point quickly. Look, it's getting late. If we talk too late, it's not good to delay your rest, don't you think?" Song Yun tried to keep her face Smile, I hope this opportunity will be negotiated as soon as possible.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Mrs. Song - I have long heard that your skin is smooth and delicate. Looking at it today, it is really as the outside world said!" Boss Huang's mimi eyes were on Song Yun's body. Massively, the palms slowly slid down from Song Yun's shoulders.

Song Yun has been enduring all this time, turning her body slightly to one side, "Boss Huang, we are smart enough to keep secrets, you are willing to cooperate with Gu's Group even if no one is willing to help Gu's Group, what exactly do you want?" What?"

"Hahaha good! It's a good sentence'Smart people don't speak dark words'!" Boss Huang looked at Song Yun with admiration, and then leaned down and approached Song Yun's ear. Song Yun endured Boss Huang's body. The strong smell made the veins on his forehead bulge.

"I want you to stay with me tonight."

Although she had known for a long time that such a situation might happen, Song Yun was still surprised that Boss Huang made this request so early, and she was also surprised that she didn't get out of her feet immediately after hearing such words many years later. Gao Hexia felt a little helpless when he slammed down his forehead for saying such words.

After all, I am old, and the arrogance of being young and vigorous is no longer...

"Boss Huang, this is impossible. Why do you force others to make things difficult for you? Gu's Group is a multinational company. As long as you are willing to lend a helping hand to Gu's at this moment, I will immediately give you a share transfer letter to let I believe that a smart person like Boss Huang will be able to understand how much the 30.00% of the shares in the Gu Corporation is worth." Song Yun stood up, "Of course, if Boss Huang is unwilling, then I will I think it’s enough for our meeting tonight to end at this moment.”

"Boss Huang doesn't need to see me off. I have already sent someone to wait outside. If I don't call him within 15 minutes after I come in, he will call the police immediately. This place will be seized immediately. I know that Boss Huang has certain contacts in the police station." , but after what happened in the past year, you have already been watched by many people, if you enter the game again, I think this time, if you want to come out again, it will be more troublesome." Song Yun faced With a smile, he looked at Boss Huang dignifiedly.

The smile on Boss Huang's face gradually disappeared, "Are you threatening me?"

"If Boss Huang thinks this is a threat, then it is a threat. I am a woman who came to this kind of place alone to have a banquet. You have to be prepared, right? In addition, you recently talked about a smuggling deal with Vietnam It's not a coincidence that I have evidence here, if something happens to me here today, then I can't guarantee what will happen next..."

"Boss Huang, may I ask, are you willing to invest to become a member of the Gu Group's shareholders?"

"Boss!" The subordinates around Boss Huang couldn't stand it anymore, and planned to persuade Boss Huang to attack Song Yun directly, but Boss Huang stretched out his hand to stop his subordinates from saying anything, and then he smiled again. Looking at Song Yun, "Talk! Of course! If it wasn't for this time, it would be very difficult to get the [-]% shares of Gu's Group."

Song Yun smiled and sat down, "Boss Huang is a smart man."

"No matter how smart you are, you can't compare to Mrs. Song. No wonder the Gu Group can continue to develop and prosper in the hands of Mrs. Song..." Boss Huang took the document from Song Yun, "I believe , the Gu Corporation is just in a low period right now, and will soon return to its former glory!"

"Boss Cheng Huang's auspicious words." Song Yun took the document that Boss Huang quickly signed, "Boss Huang won't look at it anymore? Why did you sign it so quickly? Aren't you afraid that I will mess with it?"

"Hahaha, Mrs. Song really likes to joke. Since I want to cooperate with Mrs. Song, I naturally believe in Mrs. Song's sincerity!" After the contract was signed, Boss Huang poured wine into Song Yun's wine glass and his own, " Come, Boss Song, let us have a drink and wish us a happy cooperation!" Boss Huang said, raising the wine glass in his hand, watching Song Yun not raise the glass, his smile froze, "Mrs. You don’t want to give Huang a cup of face, do you?”

"Where..." Song Yun picked up the wine glass. The reason why she hesitated was because the wine Boss Huang poured for her this time was not the wine she drank for the first time just now, but the wine that belonged to him. Handed over a glass of wine that had just been opened.

This wine is weird...

ps: The reason why so many chapters are used here to write [Xiyun] is because [Xiyun] will play a great role in the development of the following plot.In tomorrow's chapter, Sheng Zhiyue will know her true identity!
(End of this chapter)

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