Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 819 [Xiyun Chapter] [2 in 1]

Chapter 819 [Xiyun Chapter] [Two in One]

This feeling is so uncomfortable.So sad······
Song Yun was immersed in cold water, and now she is really different from before.In such a difficult time before, she never thought about it, just let herself sink, sink, don't think about anything, don't care about anything, just close her eyes like this, don't care about anything...
"I'm going in—!" Suddenly, a voice sounded from outside the door, and Song Yun stood up from the cold water in shock, "Don't come in!"

However, the sound of the revolving door was very loud at this moment, as if mocking what Song Yun said was useless. Song Yun stepped out of the bathtub, hurriedly walked to the mirror in the bathroom, took the bath towel next to her, and did not Before she could put it on, the door had already been opened. The moment Song Yun turned around, she held the scissors in her left hand and the bath towel in her right hand, and looked fiercely at the person coming.

"Didn't I tell you not to come in? Get out!"

The man was standing at the door, holding the doorknob with his hand, he never expected to see Song Yun like this when he opened the door.Song Yun was drenched all over, but her face was still flushed unsuitably. The bath towel in her hand could only be hung in front of her face, while her left hand was holding scissors against her neck. There are drops of blood coming out...

"What are you still doing in a daze?! Get out! Gu Xifeng, did you hear that I told you to go out?!" Song Yun shouted hysterically at Gu Xifeng.

Gu Xifeng's eyes kept staring at the place where Song Yun's neck was pressed against by the scissors, "...I called you outside many times. You didn't hear me."

"Now I heard it, you get out! If you dare to take a step forward, I will die right in front of you! Gu Xifeng, just try it, I'm not joking with you!" Song Yun's eyes flashed a ruthlessness, In order to prove that she can really do it herself, the hand holding the scissors used force again——

"Don't be impulsive, I won't go, I won't go." Seeing that blood really appeared on Song Yun's neck, Gu Xifeng's voice was also a little flustered, "I just want to send you clothes. The clothes on your body are torn, there is nothing you can wear here, look..." Gu Xifeng said, raising his hand and taking out the bag in his hand.

Song Yun felt that something was wrong again, and her eyes began to blur again... That damn boss Huang!The medicine was not so strong!If Gu Xifeng was not allowed to go out again, Song Yun couldn't guarantee what she would do next.

"Put the bag down, you, get out!"

Seeing Song Yun's appearance, Gu Xifeng felt strange again, but her hand holding the scissors kept pressing against his neck...

"Okay, I'll go out, I'll go out. Don't be impulsive, remember, put down the scissors—" Gu Xifeng said, put down the bag in his hand, turned around, and was about to leave...
Song Yun put down the hand holding the scissors...
But at this moment, Gu Xifeng, who had already turned around, suddenly turned around again, with a figure like a cheetah, and ran towards Song Yun suddenly, knocking off the scissors in Song Yun's hand, and the scissors were hit on the ground. On the ground, it was thrown far away.Song Yun's spirit suddenly lifted, but she couldn't restrain herself. She glared fiercely at Gu Xifeng, "You... dare, come here!" Song Yun couldn't see Gu Xifeng's figure clearly. But the determination in her eyes startled Gu Xifeng. When Gu Xifeng saw it, Song Yun opened her mouth suddenly, about to bite her own tongue.

"Crazy woman!" Gu Xifeng cursed, and stretched his hand into Song Yun's mouth without hesitation. Song Yun bit down hard, and Gu Xifeng immediately gasped in pain, and blood immediately flowed out. It can be seen that Song Yun With Yun's bite, if Gu Xifeng hadn't extended his hand in time, Song Yun would really have bitten off her own tongue.

"I didn't intend to do anything to you, you don't have to be so extreme!" Gu Xifeng tried to pull his hand out of Song Yun's mouth, but Song Yun bit too hard and couldn't pull his hand out for a while, but Next, Song Yun bit Gu Xifeng's mouth, and slowly let go, and then her whole body limply leaned against Gu Xifeng's body, her eyes were blurred, and she kept yelling, "Hot... so hot... ····So hot······"

When Song Yun was in the private room just now, she was almost naked, and now her body was completely soaked. The clothes were tightly attached to Song Yun's body, outlining Song Yun's curvy figure...
Gu Xifeng's neck was filled with the hot breath of Song Yun.

Oops!If this continues, I'm afraid I will...
Gu Xifeng was stunned for a moment, then woke up suddenly, picked up Song Yun, threw it into the bathtub again, turned on the cold water faucet, and poured cold water on Song Yun.

After being in contact with the cold water suddenly, Song Yun regained consciousness, but immediately after, her sanity became clouded again.

"Hot, so hot! So hot! So hot..."

Gu Xifeng did not expect that Song Yun, who was usually vigorous and resolute, would now whimper because of his body heat. It can be seen how powerful the effect of this medicine is...

Cold water kept pouring on Song Yun's body. Hearing Song Yun's distressed cries, the temperature in Gu Xifeng's eyes slowly dropped.

Boss Huang?very good······

Song Yun was continuously watered and soaked in cold water. After nearly four hours, the heat in her body finally dropped...
And Song Yun also slowly recovered her sanity.

Cold water poured down Song Yun's head continuously, Song Yun's distress was no longer heard in his ears, and when Song Yun's face was no longer that weird flush, Gu Xifeng's hand stopped.At this time, his body was almost soaked. Just now, when Song Yun was unconscious, she even wanted to get up and lean towards him. He also spent a lot of effort to stop Song Yun. .

"Can you still stand up?" Gu Xifeng asked, Song Yun had no expression on her face, her whole body was lifeless, and she didn't answer Gu Xifeng's words. Gu Xifeng saw that Song Yun was soaking in cold water. He said again, "You have been soaking in cold water for a long time. If you can stand up, then answer me and I will go out. If you don't speak, I will carry you out."

The choice is yours.Song Yun, how do you choose?

When Song Yun heard what Gu Xifeng said, she slowly turned her head and looked in Gu Xifeng's direction, her eyes were as silent as stagnant water, and she didn't speak...
Gu Xifeng walked aside, picked up another bath towel, picked up Song Yun, wrapped Song Yun up, and carried her out...

(End of this chapter)

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