Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 824 "Miss Sheng"

Chapter 824 "Miss Sheng" (01)

"Come in!"

The servants brought the doctor in and closed the door immediately.

Sheng Zhiyue looked at the person and narrowed her eyes, "You said, you cured my face?!"

"That's right." Wang Fu grinned, and Sheng Zhiyue lost his appetite when he saw this man, so he quickly said to Wang Fu, "Don't laugh, it's very obscene, it makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Wang Fu didn't expect that Sheng Zhiyue's face sank instantly when he said that he disliked him here.

Sheng Zhiyue stood up, approached Wang Fu, and looked at him slowly, "I remember, you joined in to treat my face later, and those few famous doctors couldn't completely restore my face. What ability do you have to guarantee to restore my face?! Or are you just talking casually, wanting to avoid death..." After Sheng Zhiyue finished speaking, she suddenly pulled out a gun from her pocket , pressed against Wang Fu's forehead, "I tell you! This one in my hand is a silencer gun. If you really have a way to heal my face, then I will spare you! But if you just say Just talking... I'll kill you with one shot!"

Wang Fu hurriedly waved his hands and said in panic, "Miss Sheng, please enlighten me! I really have a way to heal your face! I really have a way..."

When Sheng Zhiyue heard what Wang Fu said, she put down her gun in doubt, "Okay, then tell me, what do you want—"

However, the moment Sheng Zhiyue put the gun down from Wang Fu's forehead, Wang Fu's hand suddenly stretched out, snatched the gun from Sheng Zhiyue's hand, and imprisoned Sheng Zhiyue in himself. In the arms of Sheng Zhiyue, put one hand on Sheng Zhiyue's neck and cover Sheng Zhiyue's mouth by the way, so that Sheng Zhiyue would not make any sound, and held the silencer gun in the other hand, pressing it against Sheng Zhiyue's forehead, " Let the outsiders leave, don't try to play tricks!"

Sheng Zhiyue was restrained by Wang Fu, and she nodded to Wang Fu that she would do the same. Then, Wang Fu's hand slowly moved away, Sheng Zhiyue sneered in her heart, idiot, the gun in her hand has no bullets!Just when he was about to yell and ask for help from people outside, a cold sharp blade touched Sheng Zhiyue's neck. Wang Fu exerted a little force, and Sheng Zhiyue felt a little blood coming out of his neck, and a stab stabbed him. The pain came, causing Sheng Zhiyue to exclaim in pain——

"Miss Sheng, what's the matter?!" Outside the door, hearing Sheng Zhiyue's voice, the people outside immediately asked.

Wang Fu signaled Sheng Zhiyue with his eyes, you know what to do, right?

"No, it's okay! You all step back, you don't need to stand guard outside the door..." Sheng Zhiyue looked at Wang Fu nervously.


After the sound of people leaving outside the door disappeared, Sheng Zhiyue said slowly, "He, they're all gone. You, don't you just want to save your life? Don't kill me! I'll send someone to send you away immediately!"

However, Wang Fu suddenly opened his mouth and laughed ferociously. He pulled Sheng Zhiyue, took out the rope he had prepared earlier in the morning, tied Sheng Zhiyue to a chair, sat in front of Sheng Zhiyue, Holding the knife in his hand, "Don't look at me in such a panic, Miss Sheng~"

It was the first time for Sheng Zhiyue to face such a thing, and her body trembled uncontrollably. The Wang Fu in front of her had a completely different temperament compared to just now.Now the smile on Wang Fu's face made her feel terrible...

(End of this chapter)

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