Chapter 837 The Dirtiest Blood

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that she is His Highness's daughter, I would have tolerated everything, but I really didn't expect that Madam has a good temper, how could she teach such a child."

"Hey. It's been a while. Our group stayed here to protect Ms. Sheng for the first time. At first I thought it was a good job, but it turned out..."

Sheng Zhiyue stood outside the door, listening to what the person inside the door said, her heels were almost unsteady, and she was about to fall, but Sheng Zhiyue tried her best to stabilize herself, originally she wanted someone to take her there Wang Fu's idea was rejected, and now she wants to go out!
"Miss Sheng! It's so late, where are you going?!" As soon as Sheng Zhiyue arrived at the door, she was stopped immediately. Sheng Zhiyue stood up, "I'm going to see Dr. Wang, you are not allowed to follow me Do you know?"

The two gatekeepers looked at each other in blank dismay. At this time, Miss Sheng is going out? !
"No, Miss Sheng, if you want to go out so late, we must follow, otherwise, if you make any mistakes, His Highness will kill us!"

Again!Again!All of you are controlling me because of this "Miss Sheng" status? !

If I wasn't this "Miss Sheng", surely each of you would ignore me, right? !
"You don't need to worry about it! In short, you are not allowed to follow. If something happens, it will be my own life! You don't have to follow! If I find out that you follow, I will kill you now!" After Sheng Zhiyue finished speaking, she rushed out immediately regardless of the obstruction of these people...
"What should I do? Do you want to follow?!" One of the guards asked the other guard when he saw Sheng Zhiyue running away.

"Nonsense, you have to send someone to follow! You don't want to die, do you?! Ms. Sheng can joke with us like this, but we can't joke with her! It's so late, in case she has something wrong, your head Believe it or not, I won't be on your head immediately?!" Another guard said, and hurriedly let the others know.

"But, didn't Miss Sheng just say that if we follow, she will want us..."

"Stupid! Where have you learned your skills? If you follow Ms. Sheng, you will be discovered by her? Then why are you still here? Why don't you just die!"

Sheng Zhiyue left the villa, and after walking for a while, she finally found a car. She sat in the car and stroked her head. Too many things had happened, and she hadn't fully digested them yet.

【If it weren't for the fact that she is Miss Sheng...】

【Miss Sheng, it's so late...】

【Miss Sheng...】

Everyone talked to her, treated her well, treated her respectfully, and didn't even dare to snort, all because of her identity as "Sheng Zhiyue", but she, but her...

If those people know that she is not "Sheng Zhiyue" but "Lu Yaoguang", that group of people, that group of people will not only stop being respectful to her, but also look at her with the most disgusting face, Because, she has the dirtiest blood flowing on her body!Ji Nu's Blood·····
(End of this chapter)

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