Chapter 839 Same (02)

"Hey - what are you waiting for tomorrow?! I'm sober right now..." Wang Fu said, lifting the veil on Sheng Zhiyue's face -

Sheng Zhiyue was caught off guard, the veil was lifted, and the whole person trembled, "What are you doing?!" Just as he was about to reach out for his veil, Wang Fu's hand had already touched Sheng Zhiyue's injured face—"Tsk tsk , This scar is really hard to get rid of..."

"Hmph," Sheng Zhiyue slapped Wang Fu's hand off, and looked at Wang Fu with vigilance and disgust, "I advise you not to touch me!"

But Wang Fu didn't seem to hear it, he continued to pick up Sheng Zhiyue's chin with his hand, and said before Sheng Zhiyue was about to get angry again - "But it's not, it's completely hopeless..."

When Sheng Zhiyue heard that there was still hope in her face, she immediately got carried away, "Really?! You still have a way?!"

"Your face is just 'too hasty'. How can it be difficult to really restore the previous appearance? It's just that you have been rushing to let the face heal quickly, and the texture of your body has not yet fully recovered. , and the wound is already deep, it can be said that your face can be restored to its current state, which is pretty good." Wang Fu stretched out his fingertips and scratched on Sheng Zhiyue's face while speaking. go.

Sheng Zhiyue now only remembers that her face is still salvageable and can return to its previous appearance, she doesn't even care about Wang Fu's hand scratching her face.

"As long as you can heal my face, whatever you want, just ask, and I will try my best to satisfy you!" Sheng Zhiyue offered what she thought was a very attractive condition, but she completely forgot one thing. ·····
Wang Fu "clacked—" twice, pinching Sheng Zhiyue's chin, dangling——

"Have you forgotten your own identity? You are no longer the eldest lady of the Sheng family. What do you use to meet my conditions?!"

As soon as Wang Fu finished speaking, Sheng Zhiyue's face suddenly changed, yes, how could she forget, she now...

"That's the end of the conversation, let's go back to our original topic. Why did you help me?" Sheng Zhiyue shook off Wang Fu's hand, "If it's true according to what you said, this incident made you lose your job and be punished by others." Debt collection, why are you helping me now?! Shouldn’t you hate me to death?”

Wang Fu picked up the unfinished beer on the table and drank it in one gulp, "That's because I have better plans... Now that you know your true identity, it's me and the one who has been taking care of you all the time. It's just your mother. I guess, after Ouyang Fang comes back from the United States, her mother will tell her that you and Lu Yaoguang were swapped."

Sheng Zhiyue gritted her teeth. This matter is also the thing she is most unsure of at present, "You just said that my mother has a DNA report? Where is it!"

After Wang Fu finished drinking the beer, he pinched the beer bottle casually. Wang Fu pinched the beer bottle out of shape. No matter how disgusted, he quickly covered his nose, really, don't be too disgusting!

"How do I know where that mother will put Dong XZ?!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Sheng Zhiyue's anger was sparked again because of Wang Fu's ambiguous attitude...

(End of this chapter)

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