Chapter 848 Ouyang Fang Comes Back (02)

My mother picked up the phone, and when she heard the voice on the phone, she immediately stood up happily:

Sheng Zhiyue's whole body was terrified because of his mother's calling Ma'am.

The wife my mother called... Ouyang Fang, that was her "mother".

Sheng Zhiyue clenched her hand subconsciously. What was she doing calling at this time? !

Is it...
"Really? It's all right in the United States?!" Mom was so happy that she almost couldn't dance, "That's great!"

"...Mmmm. Okay, okay."

"Well, good. Are you talking about Zhiyue?" When Ouyang Fang on the other end of the phone asked about Sheng Zhiyue's recent situation, his mother frowned and lowered her voice, "Madam, don't worry, Zhiyue is having a good time." Okay. And madam, I have something I want to tell you when you come back... well, it's very important..."

What things can't be said on the phone? !What matter, do you have to wait for Ouyang Fang to come back and tell her face to face?

Sheng Zhiyue already knew what my mother was going to say about the "things" that my mother said, and stared at her back...
Mom, you, you really—


Sheng Zhiyue tried her best to control her emotions, and almost slammed her hand on the table, but Wang Fu stretched out his hand, taking advantage of the time when his mother was on the phone with his back to them, he held Sheng Zhiyue's clenched hand, Sheng Zhiyue Yue was so frightened that she immediately withdrew her hand, and at the same time looked at Wang Fu vigilantly. Wang Fu smiled ambiguously at Sheng Zhiyue. That smile made Sheng Zhiyue want to vomit!

"Well, ma'am, I'll wait for your return."

After my mother finished speaking, she hung up the phone, turned around and looked at Sheng Zhiyue and Wang Fu, and paused for a while in Sheng Zhiyue's eyes. What I did just now will be discovered by my mother.

"Zhiyue, your mother... Mrs. She will be back in ten days. The United States is fine."

"Oh, that's it. That's really great!" Sheng Zhiyue was stunned for a moment because of the pause in her mother's voice when she spoke just now, and her heart suddenly became cold.

Look, look.Is this going to take away even the right to call her "Mom"? !Unexpectedly, did not even say the words "your mother"? !
Mom.Your actions are really chilling!

"Doctor Wang," my mother looked at Wang Fu, and Wang Fu responded, "Since you said that Zhiyue's face can still be cured, we will leave it to you. I hope you can really do what you said. Heal Zhiyue's face."

"That's natural. I will do my best to heal Miss Sheng's face." Wang Fu assured his mother, but when he said the word "Miss Sheng", he looked at Sheng Zhiyue, and again He showed an unbelievable expression.

"Zhiyue, talk to Dr. Wang about how to treat your face. Mom remembers that Mom still has things to do, and Mom wants to go out." Mom was planning to see Lu Yao again. On the other hand, she told Lu Yaoguang the news that his wife's company was fine, and let Yaoguang know that his wife will be back in ten days. At that time, she will make good arrangements for his wife to meet with Yaoguang!
This matter must be well planned!

(End of this chapter)

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