Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 850 The Grace of Not Killing

Chapter 850 The Grace of Not Killing
Sheng Zhiyue was also taken aback by Wang Fu's sudden behavior. Because of his guilty conscience, the servant was horrified by talking about Sheng Zhiyue last night, so he knelt down and apologized to Sheng Zhiyue.

"I'm sorry, Miss Sheng, I'm sorry, Miss Sheng! I... I didn't mean it, please forgive me, Miss Sheng. Please forgive me, Miss Sheng..." The servants kowtowed to Sheng Zhiyue for mercy, Wang Fu Turning around, looking at Sheng Zhiyue, Sheng Zhiyue's throat moved, and it took a long time before she said, "Okay, let's go down."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Miss Sheng, Miss Sheng..." After the servant finished speaking, he quickly packed up the things on the ground and left Sheng Zhiyue's room.

"Did you see it? The appearance of that person just now." Wang Fu sat next to Sheng Zhiyue and whispered in Sheng Zhiyue's ear, "Her eyes were full of trembling. When you let her go, she still Thank you with snot and tears!"

"Sheng, Zhi, Yue. You are the eldest lady of the Sheng family, the daughter of Ouyang Fang and the famous underground king——Sheng Quan. This will never change no matter what, you know?" Wang Fuzheng slowly "Brainwashing" Sheng Zhiyue, "You have a good chance of winning this battle. The only people who know your identity are you, me, and that mother."

"As long as my mother doesn't tell me, I don't tell you, and you don't tell me. You will always be a child of the Sheng family." Wang Fu lifted the hair on both sides of Sheng Zhiyue, "As long as your identity is found out, Lu Yaoguang will become a child of the Sheng family." 'You', and you, will be 'she', the child of a maid with dirty blood on her body."

"Even the servant who cried bitterly in front of you just now because he was afraid of your identity can step on your head... Do you want to become like that? Huh?" Wang Fu's breath Slowly approaching Sheng Zhiyue, and finally kissed Sheng Zhiyue on the cheek, "Think about it carefully, what are you going to do."

Sheng Zhiyue's Adam's apple twitched, and her eyes gradually brightened.

Wang Fu slowly brought up a smile, "Okay, now I'll treat your face. The rest of your face has recovered very well. It's the injured part, which still needs..."

"Get the DNA test report so soon? You really deserve it..." The man in the golden mask looked at the girl standing in front of him, without even looking at the report handed in, he threw it on the table and made a sound, then The sound made the girl tremble.

"Thank you, thank you for your compliment."

The man with the golden mask stood up and slowly approached the girl. The girl's body shook uncontrollably,

Just when the man in the golden mask was only one step away from the girl, he stretched out his hand, pinched the girl's neck, and lifted the girl up easily.

The girl's face was ugly, but she didn't dare to struggle with her hands.

"You were asked to pass on the matter of Gu's Group, you passed it on very quickly, but the DNA test report was handed over to me so late, what do you mean?!" The man's eyes flashed fiercely, looking at The girl's slender neck is getting harder——

"Cough cough cough cough cough..." The girl's face gradually turned blue and purple, and her eyes rolled up. Just before she was about to faint, the man let go of her hand.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough... Thank you, thank you, for your grace of not killing."

(End of this chapter)

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