Chapter 855 Ouyang Fang Comes Back (06)

That day······
"Mom, Miss Sheng was in your room just now."

"Zhiyue has been to my room?!"


She remembered that when she came back from Yaoguang just now, she was very tired, and Zhiyue had been there, so she didn't think much about it, she just took a shower and rested.

But, if Zhiyue comes...
Well, why did Zhiyue come to her room? !Could it be that Zhiyue discovered something? !
My mother thought about the reason why Sheng Zhiyue would come to her room, but after thinking about it, she found that Zhiyue really had no reason to come to her room to find her.

Zhiyue usually calls her over when there is something to do.

Is it? !
Zhiyue already knows...
God!Mom thought about it, and immediately rushed to the door, she was going to find Zhiyue, to ask for clarification!Go ask!

However, what my mother didn't expect was that just as she was about to open the door, Sheng Zhiyue had already rushed to her room, and she was very excited——

"Xu, Mommy! Mommy, Mommy..." Sheng Zhiyue panted heavily, obviously it wasn't very far from her room to Mommy's place, but she didn't know why, her whole body My heart was pounding, and I couldn't be more nervous.

"Zhiyue, Zhiyue, you..." My mother was also taken aback when she saw Sheng Zhiyue rushing in to find her, "Zhiyue, my mother has something to ask you." However, my mother Immediately shocked, she wanted to ask whether Zhiyue took the DNA test report or not!Does she know that she...

Do you know that she is not the wife's daughter.

"Mom, I, I also have something to tell you!" Sheng Zhiyue was emotional, and suddenly, she knelt down towards her mother, who was startled by Sheng Zhiyue's actions, and hurried to help Sheng Zhiyue got up, but heard Sheng Zhiyue say: "Mom, I beg you, I beg you, don't say it. Don't say it, don't tell mom about it, don't tell mom about it..."

When my mother heard it, she felt a thunderbolt from the clear sky, Zhiyue knew... Zhiyue already knew.

Mom's hand that was going to help Sheng Zhiyue was hanging in the air, but when she put it away, she gradually backed away.

However, Sheng Zhiyue noticed her mother's retreat, knelt on the ground and moved towards her mother step by step until she hugged her mother's legs, "Mom! I beg you, please don't tell mom... I It was also brought up by you, so don't tell your mother about it."

My mother was embarrassed for a while, "Zhiyue, since you already know that you are not Mrs. Hey. My mother, my mother..."

"Mom! You know, I have been my mother's favorite for so many years. If you tell mom that I am not her daughter, mom, mom, she will collapse! Will collapse!"

When my mother heard Sheng Zhiyue say this, she thought in her mind how much the wife would be hit if she knew the news, and there was pain on her face——

"But even so, I..."

"Mom, you, even if you don't consider my mother's feelings, then, you should also think about my feelings!" Sheng Zhiyue heard that her mother hadn't agreed to her, so she hurriedly continued to speak before her mother, "I Anyway, it's my mother who you brought up as a child, mother, do you have the heart to see that I have nothing?"

(End of this chapter)

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