Chapter 858 Ouyang Fang Comes Back (09)

Sheng Zhiyue looked at her mother in shock, she never thought that her mother would be so unmoved!
"Mom, you think it through, think it through!" Sheng Zhiyue reminded Mom over and over again, but Mom was unmoved, and even a little angry at Sheng Zhiyue's words. Cursed: "Zhiyue! You can't threaten me, so what if the test report is gone? As long as the person is still there, Madam and Yaoguang can go to the hospital for another DNA test at any time! I will call Madam right now and ask her to report it in advance. Be mentally prepared!"

After my mother finished speaking, she started to rush out the door——

Sheng Zhiyue saw that the threat was useless, and how determined her mother's attitude was, it really shocked her. With a "thump—" Sheng Zhiyue knelt down again, hugged her mother's feet tightly, and cried loudly Said "Mom, Mom, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was Yue'er who was wrong! It was Yue'er who was wrong! Yueer was just too afraid of losing! Too afraid of losing..."

"Please, forgive Yue'er once! Don't talk to mom! Don't talk to mom! Mom, please, please..." Sheng Zhiyue kept begging, begging, but Sheng Zhiyue's action of threatening his mother just now has completely angered his mother, and his mother said cruelly, "It's no use begging me! I'm going to tell my wife about this now! Let go!"

"Don't let it go... Mom, please, please..."


"Don't let go..."

Finally, after my mother and Sheng Zhiyue had been entangled for a long time, Sheng Zhiyue's patience was once again pushed to the limit by her mother. She lifted her foot and gently kicked Sheng Zhiyue's shoulder, and Sheng Zhiyue was caught by her. Mom kicked to the ground, looking at her mother in disbelief with her tear-stained face, and her mother looked shocked at Sheng Zhiyue on the ground, but she gritted her teeth and cruelly ignored Sheng Zhiyue. go in the direction-

Mom!Mom!How could you, how could you do this to me!How could this be!

Keep saying that I was raised by you, and your love for me has not changed a bit!
But why am I begging you so hard!I beg you, you still don't appreciate it at all? !

You still kicked me!Also kick me!

Just because I'm the daughter of that woman, isn't it? !Just because I am the daughter of Ji Nv, just because I am the daughter of Ji Nv...
There was a terrible change in Sheng Zhiyue's eyes in just a few seconds. She looked at the figure of her mother who was about to leave the room, and then saw her mother who was on the bedside of her mother's bed with the knitted sweater... ····
Sheng Zhiyue didn't even think about it, she took the pair of scissors and rushed towards her mother viciously——

My mother felt someone rushing towards her and turned her head. However, Sheng Zhiyue had already stabbed her mother with the scissors——

"You..." Mommy looked at Sheng Zhiyue, the pain in her body and the flow of blood reminded her, Zhiyue she...

"Just because I am Ji Nu's daughter! Just because I am Ji Nu's daughter! Just because I am Ji Nu's daughter..." However, Sheng Zhiyue has completely lost her mind now, and her eyes are already The mother who fell could not be seen, she was repeating an action over and over again, pulling out the scissors, and stabbing down again!Pull out the scissors and stab again!Pull out the scissors and stab again...

And my mother, has gradually lost her breath...
(End of this chapter)

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