Chapter 864 Ouyang Fang Comes Back (14)

"You mother and daughter. How long are you going to stand here? Let's go back and talk about it first." Sheng Quan suggested, Ouyang Fang and Sheng Zhiyue nodded, "Mom, if we happen to be going home, let me introduce you Dr. Wang. He..."

"Ah Fang, I have something else to do. I need to leave. You go back first." Sheng Quan felt the phone vibrate on his coat, and hurriedly told Ouyang Fang that he wanted to leave.

Ouyang Fang didn't manage Sheng Quan, and didn't even give Sheng Quan a look. It has always been like this from before to now.

But what surprised Sheng Zhiyue this time was that after waiting for Sheng Quan for a long time, Ouyang Fang actually, unexpectedly, nodded to indicate that she knew? !
Seeing that Ouyang Fang finally reacted to his words, Sheng Quan's eyes were full of smiles, but then quickly disappeared. He said into his bluetooth headset, "Let's go", and then he was alone Leave in the other direction of the airport.

"Yue'er, let's go." Ouyang Fang took Sheng Zhiyue's hand and went home——

"How's it going? The press conference." Sheng Quan walked out of the airport, and someone immediately picked him up in a car. As soon as he entered the car, Sheng Quan asked the co-pilot his confidant.

"It's about to start. According to reliable news, today's press conference will announce the bankruptcy of Gu's Group."

A coldness flashed across Sheng Quan's eyes, "Until now, don't you know who the person who bought the Gu Group is?"

"I don't know, it hasn't been announced yet. Your Highness, are we going to..."

"Let's go there and have a look today. You don't need to do anything." Sheng Quan raised his hand, signaling to the man on the co-pilot not to continue. When he was in the United States, he finally found some clues, before the villa that day, and after arriving in the United States. He and Ouyang Fang encountered attacks from time to time, as well as the affairs of Ouyang Fang's company, all related to this person who officially announced to take over the Gu Group today!
"Drive, go to the press conference!"


He wants to take a good look, who is so bold and dares to trip him up with great power!

Gu Group, at the press conference.

As soon as Song Yun arrived, there were countless flashing lights and noisy voices rushing towards her. Fortunately, Uncle Shen and bodyguards around him blocked them. Those flashing lights kept taking pictures of Song Yun's body, and Song Yun's eyes were almost blinded by the flashing lights. .

Facing those questions that couldn't be more sharp, Song Yun didn't respond.

In the past three days, she and Gu Xifeng traveled around the more remote areas of the city and saw many beautiful things, but the three days passed by in a hurry, and soon, this day came—the day when the Gu Corporation declared bankruptcy.

The reason why she came here.In addition to "necessary", I also want to see who is the person who secretly bought the largest shares of Gu's Group!
The person she had contacted before who turned her request down, today, would show up.

Although she had already vaguely guessed it in her heart.

Song Yun didn't tell anyone why she suddenly stopped trying her best to save the Gu Group, why she suddenly became so fond of smoking, why she suddenly became so fond of shutting herself in her room in a daze.

Because something happened, Song Yun needed a space and time for herself to calm down and accept this fact.

(End of this chapter)

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