Chapter 873 Quarrel (03)

"You have taken care of me for so many years, and I respect you, but that doesn't mean you can insult me ​​at will! I have no conscience?! The one who has no conscience is Song Yun! Also, how can I count as helping outsiders? Could it be that Uncle Shen, you are a reporter?" Didn’t you understand at the reception?! I helped my father! It was my father Gu Qingyu who had disappeared for so many years! Why did I help outsiders?!” Gu Zhiyang questioned Uncle Shen in turn. , He is very dissatisfied with Shen Bo's current behavior that can be said to be "out of bounds".If it hadn't been for seeing Uncle Shen taking care of him for so many years, he loved him as if he were his own son. Although there was a relationship between the two of them as a "young master" and a "servant", it didn't matter. Affecting the intimacy between him and Shen Bo...
Now, Shen Bo blamed himself for no reason, how could he not be angry? !
But who would have thought that such an Uncle Shen who has taken care of Gu Zhiyang for so many years, who treats Gu Zhiyang as his own son, Uncle Shen who is already old... would actually speak straight Walking in front of Gu Zhiyang, he slapped Gu Zhiyang to the ground!
Gu Zhiyang was slapped to the ground by Shen Bo's slap, and his ears were buzzing.

Gu Zhiyang's hand touched his slapped face, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth...
This slap, Shen Bo used all his strength, his own hand also trembled from the pain.

But he can't help it, today, he must wake Gu Zhiyang hard!Take it out on my wife's behalf!
"You keep saying that you are Gu Zhiyang, but have you forgotten? Who brought you into this world?! It's your mother! Song Yun, the greatest mother in the world!" Shen Bo's body She was trembling because she hadn't reacted to the swipe with all her strength just now, and the hand pointing at Gu Zhiyang was also trembling, "You just keep complaining about her and contradicting her, what else can you do?! You don't know anything about what your mother did!"

"Madam won't let me tell you, but now, I can't take care of so much anymore! I insist on clarifying with you, and let you know how unfilial I am!"

"You only know that after Madam and Gu Qingyu quarreled, Gu Qingyu went out in anger and got into a car accident. You only know that the content of their quarrel was because your mother Song Yun cheated."

"But you don't know, the one who really cheated was your father! Gu Qingyu, he was the one who was sorry for his wife first! He even framed your mother in turn!"

Gu Zhiyang got up from the ground and looked at Shen Bo with disbelief in his eyes.

"You only know that your mother was indifferent after your father's accident, but you don't know that your mother shed tears all day long in the night when no one was around! At that time, you only knew how to cry and fight against your mother, but you didn't know at all , when your father goes like this, what is your mother facing!"

"At that time, Gu's Group had just been listed, and it was still in the stage of getting loans from others and banks. Once your father left, everyone would come to your mother! What can your mother do? She has a less than eight-year-old girl by her side. You are old!"

"In order to allow you to live a good life, your mother hides everything by herself. Even if those people find the house, your mother will block the door by herself to prevent those people from entering the house, because she is afraid of scaring you." you······"

"Just because I'm afraid of scaring you, do you know how many times your mother was beaten and kicked for this?!"

(End of this chapter)

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