Chapter 875 Quarrel (05)

He knew all about what happened back then, so how could it be like Shen Bo said? !
It must be fake!It must be fake!Uncle Shen must have lied to himself after knowing that he was also a part of the "change of ownership" of the Gu Group!
Yes, it must be so!
Everything he said just now is not true!
But Gu Zhiyang didn't try to convince himself, because, if what Uncle Shen said before is true, then there is one thing, Uncle Shen never lied!That was back then, when Pingting was indeed at that time, she always felt that someone was following her, and once, Pingting was almost kidnapped...
Gu Zhiyang shook his head, trying to get rid of the messy things in his head, but he found that what Shen Bo said just now had been flooding his mind, unable to dissipate.


Gu Zhiyang took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "Hey, Han Feng. Do me a favor..."

He must find out the truth of these things himself!

Soon, Song Yun and Shen Bo went out with a few bags of things. When Gu Zhiyang saw Song Yun's back carrying the things passing by his eyes, he stood up and looked at Song Yun because of the things he was carrying. Too heavy, put the thing on the ground again, gasped for a moment,

This scene is so familiar...

In Gu Zhiyang's mind, several images similar to the scene in front of him flashed. When did it happen?She was carrying something, standing in front of her, panting...

"Ma'am, let me carry it!" Uncle Shen appeared with another bag, and Song Yun quickly lifted the bag on the ground, "No need, I will do it myself..."

But when Song Yun said this, her hand was overwhelmed and placed on the ground when she lifted the bag. At this time, the other hand went through Song Yun's bag and lifted it.

Song Yun stared blankly at Gu Zhiyang who was standing next to him and helping her carry the bag. Gu Zhiyang stared ahead, although he felt Song Yun's gaze, but now, he couldn't make himself look at her ······
" haven't found a place to live yet, go to my place to make do with it for the night." After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, without waiting for Song Yun to reply, he carried Song Yun's bag to the back of his car. The box went over.

Song Yun looked at the figure of Gu Zhiyang carrying the bag, and after a moment of silence, she said to Shen Bo beside her, "Did you say something to him?"

"Sorry ma'am, I..."

"It's the first time I feel that my son has grown up so much." Song Yun didn't say much about Uncle Shen's admission, and she didn't even blame him. She helped Uncle Shen lift another bag and turned to Gu Zhi. Walked in the direction of Yang, leaving only this sentence, some inexplicable words...

Gu Zhiyang was driving the car, Song Yun was sitting in the co-pilot, and Shen Bo was sitting in the back seat. None of the three said a word. The slap mark on Gu Zhiyang's face was still there. Everyone agreed tacitly and didn't mention it. Why did red marks appear on Gu Zhiyang's face.

Soon, they arrived at the home where Gu Zhiyang and Lu Yaoguang lived.

"There are two vacant rooms, but they are on the first floor, you can choose by yourself. I need to call Yaoguang now." Gu Zhiyang said to Song Yun after lifting the contents of the car into the house, It's just that he didn't look at Song Yun from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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