Chapter 109 Luo Xiaoxiao, only I deserve you (20)

As expected of Wen Ying, after only a short period of panic, he immediately reversed the situation smoothly.

"If I remember correctly, three years ago, you participated in the performance of "Liu Shang". Before this movie, you had debuted for more than three years. Your stage name is not Wen Ying, but Lin Jiahui."

The judges once again mercilessly exposed Wen Ying's disguise.

A trace of panic and shock flashed in Wen Ying's eyes, everything was clearly taken care of, why did something go wrong suddenly at this moment?
"No, you must have misremembered. How could I be Lin Jiahui? We obviously don't look alike."

"Without an accurate investigation, I will not speak lies. I don't know how you can hide from the eyes of the inspectors, but you can't hide from us judges. Your qualifications are indeed good, but your lie The practice of age and status is very despicable, Qingyin has always attached importance to the character and character of players, you obviously do not meet Qingyin's selection qualifications in this respect, sorry, after our unanimous consideration, we refuse to give you a score."

Before the words fell, the audience was in an uproar.

The host simply didn't know what to say, and his face was blank. The program team never mentioned this situation to him, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Including Luo Xiaoxiao.

Her palms were soaked in cold sweat, and even LUNDA beside her noticed her abnormality.

While the camera moved to another place, he leaned into her ear and asked her softly: "Are you okay?"

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't make a sound, her chest was beating fast.

She looked at LUNDA with some difficulty, opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

Wen Ying fell into this situation, logically speaking, she should be secretly happy, but now she only has panic and worry in her heart.

Wen Ying fell from the horse, how could she be better?

She and Wen Ying are almost grasshoppers on the same rope, no one is better than the other.

"Wait! You can't do this. I have also gone through strict screening to get to this point. Why do you deny my efforts with a few words? I debuted early, and I falsely reported my age, so what? Isn't that what the entertainment industry is like, how normal is it to change your identity and redevelop? Besides, you have seen my performance, why can't you give me another chance?"

"Of course we can see your performance, but Qingyin is built on the basis of fairness and justice. You can't even achieve the minimum sincerity and truth, so how can you come to discuss opportunities with us?"

"Unfair? Haha, stop joking, how can it be fair? Do you think I'm the only one who lied about my age and identity here? Do you think you're the only one who faked your identity to participate in Qingyin?"

"Nonsense, you don't even know the minimum respect for the stage. Such a person is not worthy of participating in Qingyin. I advise you to withdraw from the competition."

"Retire? Just by you? I'm not the only one like this, she is too." Wen Ying became annoyed, and looked at Luo Xiaoxiao without thinking.

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly trembled violently, cold sweat fell from his forehead without warning.

With a buzz, my mind went blank.

There are only two words in front of me, and I keep wandering: it's over.

Unexpectedly, just as Wen Ying was about to speak, she was severely interrupted by the judges: "Enough! This stage is sacred and pure. I won't allow you to humiliate other contestants. You'd better think about your identity clearly and don't make any You should calm down if you make yourself regret."

  Wen Ying stretched out her fingers, about to point at Luo Xiaoxiao, but stopped suddenly halfway.

Unwillingness, shock, and deep hatred flashed in her eyes, she gave Luo Xiaoxiao a hard look, and then slowly lowered her fingers.

"You are really not suitable for this stage."

After saying this, the four judges all showed their scores.

(End of this chapter)

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