Chapter 114 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (29)

"His stomach has been functionally damaged due to taking medicine for many years. He can only eat small meals frequently, and he can't eat too much at one time. What's more, you gave him so much oily food. Do you want him to eat too much? His life?!"

"I don't know." Luo Xiaoxiao muttered silently. She had been serving her whole day with all her heart and soul, but she was criticized in the end. She was really wronged.

Who knew he was so vulnerable?

When tossing her, she was alive and well.

"In short, you have to be more careful, and you can't make any more mistakes."

"You'd better let the servant come."

She is not a full-time nanny, let alone kindness is not rewarded.

"Don't forget your current identity. Gu Ze has paid so much for you, do you want to repay it?" Lin Bei was a little unworthy of his friend, and he gave so much, but he couldn't even get a single care from the other party.

Luo Xiaoxiao had a fever on her face: "I'm not her full-time nanny!"

"Don't lovers need to make the patron happy?"

Luo Xiaoxiao glared, and suddenly sneered: "You are too lenient."

"I'm just not worth it for him. For the same price, he can choose a better one."

Lin Bei Chi Guoguo's ridicule made Luo Xiaoxiao go stiff, she clenched her hands tightly, suppressing the anger that was about to explode.

Lin Bei looked at her, and his tone was still unfriendly: "How much news do you know about him? Do you know how many women he has had around him? You are not the most special one, nor will you be the last one. Don't always test his patience. , This is tantamount to playing with fire and setting yourself on fire, I don’t want to say some things, but I must check and remind you, it’s your luck that he tolerates you, don’t take it for granted.”

Lin Bei left.

Luo Xiaoxiao stood where she was, as if someone had been doused in cold water.

From head to toe, cold to the bottom of my heart.

Until the servant came to call her.

"Miss Luo, the young master called you. Miss Luo?"


With her head down, Luo Xiaoxiao walked past the servant until she walked outside Gu Ze's room.

He raised his head, but there were no tears in his eyes.

  open the door.

Gu Ze was leaning on the head of the bed. When he saw her coming in, his eyes softened and the corners of his lips curved slightly: "Where did you go?"

"Lin Bei told me something about you."

Luo Xiaoxiao walked to the side of the bed and stood at a good distance: "What do you need?"

The coldness in the words made Gu Ze's eyes froze slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know your physical condition before and caused you such pain, do you want to punish me?"

Gu Ze didn't make a sound, he looked at her quietly, trying to find a trace of clues from her face.

"Thank you for your tolerance. Are you going to sleep? Do you want me to turn off the lights for you?"

Luo Xiaoxiao waited for a while, seeing that Gu Ze did not speak, turned around and walked to the door, turned off the headlights, leaving only a small wall lamp.

"I'm here with you, call me if you need anything."

She pulled a chair to the side of the bed and sat upright.

Under the warm yellow light, her white face looked cold and lifeless.

"What did he say to you?"

  Gu Ze's deep eyes stared at her tightly. He didn't like her like this, as if he was like a commodity in the cabinet, and he was placed quietly for observation, but he would not approach her.

Obviously they were so close before, her smile, her anger, her helpless urging, even the little tricks when she was angry, were all so real.

Why suddenly, back to the original point.

What did Lin Bei tell her? !

(End of this chapter)

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