Chapter 118 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (35)

She was so excited that she couldn't hide her anticipation on her white face.

"Anytime." The man known as the ghost guide replied with a smile.

The figures of the two disappeared.

Gu Ze came out slowly from the stairs, and walked down the stairs slowly.

Monsoon looked playful.

The tone teased: "Since you are worried, why don't you go there together?"

From the very beginning, he found that Gu Ze was hiding at the stairs. He really didn't understand him. If he liked it, he said it, and if he didn't worry, he followed him. Why did this happen?
Gu Ze glanced at him lightly: "This is not something you should care about."

"OK, I've overstepped the distance." Ji Feng swept his smile away, and suddenly said seriously: "You don't have anything to say to me?"

Gu Ze put down his coffee and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Would you like to explain to me about Qingyin?"

"Is it necessary?" Gu Ze's indifferent eyes, the meaning is very obvious, he doesn't want to talk about this matter.

"Why is it unnecessary? I am also a minority shareholder, why didn't the company notify me of such a big decision?"

"So what if you notify, and what if you don't?"

"OK, I don't object to the company's investment in Qingyin, but I don't agree with meddling in the competition process. Qingyin's ability to go so far means that its schedule and methods have been accepted by everyone. If you intervene without authorization, it will only make Qingyin Becoming nondescript is likely to cause huge losses to the company. As a shareholder, I have the right to vote against the company's dangerous decisions."

"Any investment is risky." Gu Ze raised his head with a calm face and deep eyes: "Failure and success are inevitable."

   "LUNDA was inserted by you."


"Wen Ying's retirement was also arranged by you."


Ji Feng's good temper was finally defeated by Gu Ze's calmness, he couldn't help frowning, and said in a cold tone, "Gu Ze, I know that your purpose of doing this is for that woman, I don't care how you want to play , but you can't use the company as your weight, is it worth it for a woman?"


Ji Feng was stunned by Gu Ze's straightforward answer, and after a long while, he slowly came back to his senses: "You are crazy, have you forgotten how difficult it is to establish the Gu Clan? It is the sweat of countless people who made it to this day, Have you forgotten how many hardships you have endured in order to escape from the control of the family? The Gu family is your painstaking effort."

"No, it's just a gift."

"What?" Ji Feng didn't hear clearly.

Gu Ze raised his head and looked far into the distance.

"It's just a present from me for her fifth birthday."

in the lounge.

A huge crystal chandelier hangs high above the head.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there are green trees, green hills, and gurgling lakes
Luo Xiaoxiao stood in the middle of the hall, a little nervous.

"Where do we start?"

"I need to understand your skills first, you can simulate a performance first."


Luo Xiaoxiao thought for a while, planning to imitate a scene from a movie.

After the imitation, Luo Xiaoxiao nervously observed the ghost guide's expression.

"Want to hear the truth?" Ghost Director asked.

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded: "You don't have to worry about me, I know my skills are poor, so I want you to help me study."

"Your aptitude is not bad, but you have a fatal injury."

"What?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked instinctively.

"You can't control your emotions freely. To put it bluntly, you are either too involved in the drama, or you can't enter the drama at all. As an actor, the ability to control emotions freely is a basic skill, and you just lack this."

(End of this chapter)

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