Chapter 125 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (45)

Luo Xiaoxiao's feet were inconvenient to walk. Gu Ze carried her into the car, and Lin Hui made a wheelchair out of nowhere and stuffed it into the trunk of the car.

  "Master, where are we going?" Lin Hui asked.

"Don't ask me, just listen to her." Gu Ze lightly ordered.

With so much power, Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help waving his hand: "Xiaojiu is playing nonsense."

"What's next?" Lin Hui didn't understand.

"Haven't you heard of the famous morning market? It has a history of more than [-] years. You are not qualified as a driver."

Lin Hui's head was full of black lines. He was the driver of Gu Ze, the third young master of the dignified Gu family. He dared to say that he was unqualified. The places they went to were either rich or expensive. Who would know where your broken morning market is!

"Forget it, you go to the city first, and I'll show you the way." Luo Xiaoxiao looked helpless.

Lin Hui started the car with a black face.

After being pointed at by Luo Xiaoxiao, they finally reached their destination.

From a distance, Lin Hui's face darkened when he saw the broken sign above the entrance of the morning market.

Look at the crowded and chaotic crowd inside
Lin Hui looked worried.

Gu Ze's cleanliness is known to everyone, is this kind of place really okay?
What's more, the things here don't have any sanitary protection at all, in case the young master gets sick
"Master." Lin Hui shook his head, his tone obviously disapproving.

But no one responded, and when I looked again, I almost vomited blood.

Gu Ze's gaze was always glued to Luo Xiaoxiao's body, without any scruples.

Luo Xiaoxiao raised his hand, he raised his eyebrows, Luo Xiaoxiao tucked his hair, then he moved his eyes to her ears, Luo Xiaoxiao shrugged his nose, he raised the corners of his lips slightly, What a lovely expression. . . . . .

Lin Hui couldn't believe it, this man was his young master, the cruel, decisive young master who never showed any emotion in his feelings?

Gu Ze didn't know what was going on in Lin Hui's mind, and all his energy was on Luo Xiaoxiao.

Ever since the car drove past the old house, he could clearly feel that Luo Xiaoxiao was relaxed.

She really doesn't like ancient houses. Although it is rich and luxurious, it is not what her heart cares about. On the contrary, this place is her real home.

Seeing the bright smile on the girl's mouth, he was slightly dazed.

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "This is it, we came just in time, the morning market has just started."

"Look, this is here. I often eat here. The food is delicious and cheap. There is an old woman on the corner of the street who makes delicious wontons. I will take you there to eat."

As he spoke, he grabbed Gu Ze's hand.

The warm temperature of the soft little hand made him tremble slightly. He lowered his head, looked at the two hands holding each other, and nodded almost instinctively.

Luo Xiaoxiao pushed the car door and was about to jump down.

"Wait." Gu Ze stopped her in time.

"Push out the wheelchair."


Lin Hui pushed the wheelchair to the side of the car and carried Luo Xiaoxiao into the car.

As soon as Luo Xiaoxiao got into the wheelchair, she didn't care about Gu Ze at all, and turned the wheelchair and left first.

Lin Hui helped Gu Ze open the door with a black line on his face.

"Master, are you really going? The conditions here are too bad, and the hygiene conditions are not up to standard. If you want a change, I can go to all over the country to help you find the best chef."

"You wait for me here." Gu Ze interrupted him lightly, stepped up, and walked towards Luo Xiaoxiao.

Lin Hui stood for a while, still worried, and quietly followed.

Luo Xiaoxiao turned the wheelchair, saw and smelled it all the way, and her stomach started to growl after eating just now.

Gu Ze came behind her, got on the wheelchair, and stopped her speed.

(End of this chapter)

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