Chapter 130 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (52)

A puff of oily smoke drifted over, Gu Ze's face changed, and he hurriedly took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth tightly, but the violent coughing still came out uncontrollably.

Luo Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, a flash of anxiety flashed in her heart: "Are you okay?"

Gu Ze didn't want her to see what he looked like at this time, so he shook off her hand, took out a wad of money from his pocket, threw it in front of the stall owner, then turned around and squeezed out of the crowd.

Luo Xiaoxiao instinctively wanted to follow, but couldn't get out because of the crowd.

"That much money?"

"It's too rich, what is this for?"

Luo Xiaoxiao raised her head and saw a wad of money spread out on the table, it was still brand new. A person like Gu Ze was not allowed to bring cash when going out. Where did he get so much money?
"This, this" the stall owner was in a dilemma.

"You take what you should, give me the rest, and I'll pay him back for you." Luo Xiaoxiao is not as generous as Gu Ze, he doesn't want it, she wants it.

"Okay then, I'm sorry, that gentleman took care of the rest, please forgive me." The stall owner waved his hand, wanting everyone to leave.

"That's not okay. We've been waiting in line for a long time. Why should we sell it to him?"

"That's right, he didn't queue up, so it's great to have money?"

"Isn't that right, we're queuing in a serious manner, you can't do business like this!"

"that is."

Everyone chattered, Luo Xiaoxiao was worried about Gu Ze's situation, and her heart was in a mess, so she couldn't help shouting: "Don't make a noise, I don't want it anymore, just give me back the money."

"This money was given to me by that gentleman. Even if I want it, it's that gentleman who wants it."

Luo Xiaoxiao stared: "If you don't give me anything, you still want to occupy the money?"

"You don't want to spit on people. It's not the money I asked for, but he threw it over. Besides, what's your relationship with him? Why should I give it to you? What if it's stolen by you?"

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't expect the other party to say that, and she was furious immediately: "You don't deserve to know what we have to do with you. This kind of behavior of yours is gaining money illegally. I can call the police!"

"You report it. I didn't steal the money. He gave it to me. I won't be afraid if the police come. They are all witnesses!"

"Yes, we testify! He gave the money himself, and it has nothing to do with the stall owner."

"That's right, he ran over like a crazy person and threw the money to the stall owner. What does it matter to others?"

Luo Xiaoxiao saw that they were fighting together, and suddenly became very angry. Now it is not a question of money, but a question of their insulting Gu Ze's character. When did Gu Ze receive this kind of treatment?He has always been flattered by others and hates him, and no one has ever dared to say that he is crazy.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't understand why she was so angry, she suddenly stood up on the wheelchair, and despite the severe pain in her left foot, she still straightened her back, not wanting to lose her momentum to them: "I order you to apologize to him immediately ! Your words have already constituted a crime of insult, believe it or not, I will ask a lawyer to sue you?!"

"You, who are you scaring? If you say a few words, you will commit a crime. Then the streets are full of criminals. Why don't you arrest them?"

"I don't care about other people, you just say he can't do it! Apologize to me!"

"What's none of my business? I don't remember what I said."

"Really? Then you don't remember what you said to testify for the stall owner? In other words, you are no longer a witness?"


(End of this chapter)

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