Chapter 142 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (68)

 "Miss Luo, please don't make things difficult for us." After speaking, his expression changed.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't grow much in other things, but her biting skills became better day by day.

When the bodyguard let go, Luo Xiaoxiao crawled to the bed and held Gu Ze's hand: "Even if you drive me away, I will still find a chance to come back, can't you give me a chance?"

Gu Ze closed his eyes, obviously not wanting to see her.

Luo Xiaoxiao panicked, grabbed the bed sheet, and blurted out: "We signed the contract."

This sentence undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. It reminded Gu Ze that the relationship between the two only ended with this contract.

Nothing else.

He turned his head, and his voice was more exhausted: "Send her back!"

"Let go of me, don't touch me!" Luo Xiaoxiao struggled desperately.

The two bodyguards exchanged glances, one of them stepped forward and hugged Luo Xiaoxiao from behind, and the other stepped forward to hold her kicking feet.

The two carried Luo Xiaoxiao outside together.

Bang, the door of the ward was closed again.

The room fell silent again.

It was quiet, but it was like a knife, stabbing his nerves one by one, and he suddenly became irritable.

"Come in!"

A bodyguard pushed open the door and entered, lowering his head: "Mr. Gu, what else do you want?"

Gu Ze's eyes were condensed.

"send her home!"

"Is it going back to the old house?"

"Let her go, I don't want to see her again!"

The bodyguard didn't understand Gu Ze's meaning, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. After carefully studying his expression, he had an idea.

"Let go of me, don't touch me!"

"Miss Luo, we are also following orders, please don't make things difficult for us."

"My feet..." Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly had a painful expression on her face, she curled up, looking very sad.

"Please stop playing tricks, we will not let you go."

Luo Xiaoxiao stared at them with frowned eyes, and suddenly her expression turned serious: "Aren't you afraid that your young master will wake up and blame you instead?"

"We are only following the orders of the young master." The voice was serious.

"Your young master's temper has always been volatile. You guys know better than me. Now that he says he doesn't want to see me, he might miss me the next second. Are you going to bring me here again?"

"Master, if you want to see Miss Luo, we will send a plane to pick Miss Luo back, and it won't take much time."

Luo Xiao is petty.

Seeing being carried to the elevator by two people, there was no hope of turning around.

Suddenly, a person strode towards them.

Luo Xiaoxiao was delighted.

But I heard that person say: "You don't need to go back to the old house, take Miss Luo home."

"Go home?" The bodyguard was a little confused: "Which home?"

"Miss Luo's rented place."

"Mr. Gu's meaning?"

The visitor nodded, then turned around and walked back without saying a word.

"Wait!" Luo Xiaoxiao woke up from the initial shock, and hurriedly called to the other party: "Say it again, what did he say?"

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't believe it, it wasn't the first time she made him angry, but every time he could forgive her.

Besides, she had already apologized to him.
"The young master wants me to convey to Miss Luo that he doesn't want to see you again in the future, and told us to take you home."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! I want to ask him face to face!" Luo Xiaoxiao began to struggle, she didn't believe it, she wanted to ask him face to face.

This time, the two bodyguards were no longer polite, since Gu Ze had no interest in her, they didn't have to be respectful to her.

(End of this chapter)

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