Chapter 185 Let's play a game, how (41)

Then he walked out of the room with the two servants.

Luo Xiaoxiao was annoyed already, and climbed into bed as soon as they left.

  But after a while, the door was knocked again.

Luo Xiaoxiao threw the pillow over: "I didn't do anything, you can go!"

"Miss Luo, the doctor wants to check for you."

  "I'm fine!"

"You just got wind, and the wound is likely to be infected. Please cooperate with me."

"I said it's okay! Don't bother me anymore!"

"Then, excuse me."

In the next second, the door was pushed open for the Nth time.

The butler dodged the flying pillows with a calm expression: "Please help Miss Luo to check her body."

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't cooperate, she was really annoyed by them.

Keep avoiding the doctor's hand: "Get out, I said it's okay!"

"Miss Luo doesn't cooperate, we can only offend."

Saying that, he winked at the two servants, and the two walked towards Luo Xiaoxiao, one on each side, holding her down weakly.

Luo Xiaoxiao struggled uncontrollably, and the doctor quickly examined her.

After confirming that nothing happened, he left with the housekeeper.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't even feel sleepy at all, she just sat on the bed until the servant came over again to check if she was asleep.

She was finally annoyed and surrendered.

Put a cat under the quilt, regardless of any sound outside.

Strange to say, no one bothered her since she lay back down.

When the doctor left, he didn't know what he ordered in the house. The smell was very light, but he felt drowsy after smelling it.

Luo Xiaoxiao gradually fell asleep without knowing it.

The next morning.

Luo Xiaoshang opened his eyes.

The room is sunny, the lilies by the window are blooming, the white flowers are rolling with crystal water drops, and the room is filled with a faint fragrance.
She stretched her arms and sat up.

Immediately, a servant asked softly outside the door: "Miss Luo, do I need to help you get up?"

get up?

Her eyes were still a little confused, and when she heard what the servant said, she replied in a daze: "Okay."

Two servants came in one after another, one helped her freshen up, and the other helped her choose clothes for her in the closet.

Luo Xiaoxiao was dressed with a dazed face, and a furry hat was put on her head.

Cai looked up confusedly: "Why are you wearing a hat?"

"It's cold outside, the young master specifically told Miss Luo not to catch the cold."

She slowly woke up: "Can I go out?"

"Yes, the weather is fine today, the young master told us to go out with you for a walk to relax."

Luo Xiaoxiao concealed the joy in her heart, obediently let the servants help them up.

The door opened and a brand new wheelchair was pushed in.

The wheelchair has also been specially modified. The back and armrests of the chair are inlaid with thick fox fur, which is warm and very comfortable. The pedals are equipped with soft spring pads. Putting it inside will not be touched by the outside world, and it is safer. The overall color of the wheelchair is light beige, but the details are painted with abstract flower vines, which is elegant and sweet.

Luo Xiaoxiao circled around the wheelchair twice before sitting down slowly, touching and looking at it, she was very surprised.

"Miss Luo, this wheelchair has an infinite device. No matter where you go, just click this place, and we will receive your signal and appear immediately. Of course, if you feel tired, you can press this, and the wheelchair will start automatic navigation. mode, it will come back automatically without your hands."

Luo Xiaoxiao found it interesting, reached out and pressed the red button.

The car suddenly rushed forward.

"Ah~" Luo Xiaoxiao didn't expect it to open suddenly, and was taken aback. The servant didn't expect her to press it randomly, and was stunned for a while.

Seeing that she was about to leave the profile.

Ge, a figure stepped forward in two steps and blocked the wheelchair. Due to the high speed of the wheelchair and the short distance, the man was knocked back two steps before he was able to stabilize the wheelchair. He clenched his hands tightly Holding on to the two handles of the wheelchair, regardless of the pain in his legs, he said in a calm voice, "Surprise me in the morning?"

(End of this chapter)

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