Chapter 341 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (1)

The mind is chaotic, and the heart is also chaotic.

Ding Mo
Why do you say that?
After a while, the results of Lin Suya's treatment came out.

Poor conduct, self-promotion and trouble, was disqualified from the competition.

Luo Xiaoxiao doesn't sympathize with her, this kind of person will not end well no matter where he goes.

IQ is not high, EQ is excellent.

As long as she can wait patiently for a few days, she may be able to win the qualification, she is just too impatient.

Later, the program group organized several more activities, which were nothing more than physical examinations and on-the-spot assessments.

Everyone is assigned to a situation, and then everyone's response ability is seen.

Luo Xiaoxiao was quite satisfied with her performance, and the judges gave good marks.

Because it is an outdoor show, the physical requirements for the contestants are also very strict.

The company specially built a simulated venue indoors, and arranged various equipment and sports.

Luo Xiaoxiao still has great confidence in her physical strength, and those three years of hard work were not in vain.

But after a lap, she gradually felt exhausted.

In the end, it was Cai Na who helped her complete the whole process.

The scores given by the judges are naturally not ideal.

Cai Na helped her back to the room and handed her a glass of water.

Sitting down opposite her, he said with concern: "Xiao Xiao, your complexion is not very good, do you want to take a leave of absence to see a doctor?"

Luo Xiaoxiao picked up the water glass and took a sip. The warm liquid flowed into her body, but she couldn't calm down the discomfort in her body.

She suddenly dropped the water glass, covered her mouth and rushed into the bathroom.

Cai Na got up anxiously, stood at the door and asked worriedly: "Little one? What's wrong with you? I'll call Miss ALISA!"

"No." Luo Xiaoxiao grabbed the toilet, barely spat out the food in his stomach, and fell limply on the ground.

"But you look sad."

"It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, it's okay." Luo Xiaoxiao clutched her stomach, it seemed that she really should go to the hospital.

Seeing Luo Xiaoxiao come out of the bathroom, Cai Na quickly supported her and helped her to the bedside.

"You take a break first, I'll talk to Sister ALISA."

"Thank you."

Cai Na smiled and said, "Why are you being polite with me? You lie down first, and I'll go out for a while."

  After Cai Na left, Luo Xiaoxiao took out her phone.

There were two text messages quietly on the phone.

She touched it with her hand for a while before slowly opening it.

Your man: You can participate in the closed assessment.But the premise is that you are not allowed to leave the building without authorization, and you must inform me in advance if you have any questions.

Yeah, agreed?

Master Gu agreed.

Luo Xiaoxiao was quite shocked, thinking that she would pack up and leave soon.

It seems that Master Gu is not invincible.

Then click on the second item.

Your man: Open the window.

With a sign, she turned over from the bed regardless of her uncomfortable stomach.

Pulled open the curtains.

Night has fallen.

The sky is full of stars and stars, covering the entire sky.

lights in the distance
The man stood in the thick night, standing tall, his thick figure like ink, tall and firm.

Even though they were so far apart, she could feel his gaze piercing through the scorching night.

I don't know how long I stood there. If she didn't come back early because of stomach pain, would he wait together?
She covered her mouth, tears welling up.


The phone vibrated again.

She clicked.

Your man: what are you thinking?
I think you are a fool, why are you standing here in such a dark place?
The typed words are: I want to kiss you.

(End of this chapter)

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